Drink less to eat less

Drink less to eat less

Do you drink alcohol? You eat more, due to the effect of alcohol which causes you to compulsively eat foods rich in carbohydrates, salt and fat . According to a recent study promoted by the University of Buffalo, in fact, people who tend to drink more alcohol also tend to eat more as a result of the so-called ” drunchies “, or food cravings triggered by alcohol. But does alcohol reduce energy expenditure and impair the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates? Result?
Less control over the food ingested, more predisposition to gain weight.

The big problem then concerns the foods that you choose to eat with alcoholic beverages: certainly not raw fruit and vegetables. The body pushes to consume foods with high palability instead to counteract the toxic effect of alcohol. And so drunchies are the typical bad food choices we make when we drink too much: pizza, chips or corn chips with various sauces, fried, a slice of cheesecake. But these food choices only worsen the situation that has arisen from drinking alcohol. In fact, alcohol tends to dehydrate us, and the use of very fatty or very savory foods obviously does not help. So there is more hunger,actually as a result of the body’s need to cleanse and rehydrate.
According to the study, by analyzing how much they eat when they drink alcohol, people unknowingly introduce at least a thousand more calories of food, to which are added those of the chosen drinks. This is thanks to both compulsive hunger and dehydration, but also due to the momentary disinhibition caused by alcohol, which makes us less “careful” about the calories and quantities ingested.

The solution to eat less? Limit alcohol to a glass of wine or a small beer to be consumed never on an empty stomach, but together with raw vegetables in pinzimonio or salad and not, or not only, together with sausages, pizzas, pretzels and cheeses. Then drink water acidulated with lemon juice or orange juice to hydrate and cancel the effects of alcohol on fluid retention. 

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