Dr. Sebi’s diet to lose weight in 24 days

Dr. Sebi’s diet to lose weight in 24 days

Dr. Sebi’s diet is a dietary approach not approved by mainstream medicine, which essentially relies on a mucus-free diet (like Arnold Ehret’s mucus-free diet). Dr Sebi (real name Alfredo Bowman, who passed away in 2016) in the 1980s aroused great interest internationally, because his diet was considered to cure many diseases of the modern era.

At the moment, however, on dr Sebi’s website it is clearly written that the diet does not replace the doctor’s opinion and is not designed to cure illness, but to detoxify.

Basically, Dr. Sebi’s diet includes some types of vegetables, almost all fruit except hybrid varieties, seeds, nuts, seed or nut butter, vegetable oils, herbal teas, herbs, spices, and some whole grains. Legumes (apart from some), meat, fish, eggs and dairy products are excluded. We can say that Dr. Sebi’s diet is therefore a vegan diet with some restrictions.


Dr Sebi was a pathologist, biochemist and naturopath of Hondurian origins, with 30 years of experience in the field. The idea behind Dr. Sebi’s diet is that the production of mucus is to be considered the first step in the origin of various diseases. Depending on where the mucus production is created. His alkaline diet is defined as “electric-alkalizing”, and is essentially based on foods “vibrant with life” or cellular foods “and pure from industrial contamination. His supporters say they try the diet for 10 to 24 days to regenerate and detoxify.
In the diet, calories are not counted and specific quantities are not referred to, but on page two we will see the menu recommended by


  1. Vegetables and vegetables: Peppers, cucumber, squash, wild rocket, broccoli and cabbage, cherry or date tomatoes, courgettes, lettuce, mushrooms (all except shiitake), onions, watercress, seaweed, celery, dandelion leaves, okra. They should be eaten raw or briefly cooked (stir-fried, blanched).
  2. Fruits: avocado, apples, small bananas, red fruits except currants, melon, cherries, dates, figs, grapes with seeds, mango, lime, watermelon with seeds, Seville oranges, papaya, peaches, pears, plums, figs India and pitaya, tamarind, raisins (with seeds), fresh coconut.
  3. Cereals and pseudocereals : zizania, rye, spelled spelled (monococco, dicocco), quinoa, amaranth, fonio, kamut. Cereals can be cooked as well as some foods on the other foods list. Quinoa or amaranth milk allowed. 
  4. Nuts and seeds (vegetable milks obtained from these foods should also be included in this list): Brazilian nuts, sesame, tahini, walnuts, hemp seeds.
  5. Oils: avocado, oil and coconut (not for cooking), sesame, sunflower, hemp.
  6. Other foods : chickpeas (not canned), herbs, paprika, dehydrated onion, salt, organic agave syrup from cactus, date or coconut palm sugar, algae powder, herbal tea, olives. No tea or coffee.
    Let’s now see the menu suggested by Dr. Sebi on page two, and Dcomedieta’s conclusions.

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