Dr. Oz’s menu: here’s his diet

Dr. Oz’s menu: here’s his diet

We have often talked on Dcomedieta about the famous doctor Oz, the cardiothoracic surgeon who for years has been conducting a television program that has also been broadcast in Italy, The dr Oz Show.

On the show, Dr. Oz often talked about diets and weight loss, something that is particularly close to his heart, being a fan of fitness and well-being.

And in recent years he has invited many professionals to talk about diet and health in every respect. Endocrinologists, gastroenterologists, dieticians, nutritionists, and even many scientists.
Lastly, a book by him was also published, also translated into Italian, on the rules of healthy eating and with a 21-day diet .

But how does Dr. Oz eat?
Dr. Oz’s menu has finally been revealed by himself, and I’m telling you a preview on Dcomedieta because Dr. Oz uses a particular method to keep fit.

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