Does the centenarian diet really exist?

Does the centenarian diet really exist?

From Valter Longo’s diet of longevity to the 120-year-old diet of journalist Adriano Panzironi ; from the diet promoted by the Ieo to the Mediterranean diet set by Ancel Keys. What do these diets have in common?
They have in common the fact that they leverage on longevity and bring up the diet of the centenarians, the secret of the centenarians, the blue zones and so on. Yet, on closer inspection, these diets are very different from each other.

Not a little different, no. They say diametrically opposite
things .

The diet of centenarians is a unicorn

Who says they reduce fat, especially saturated fats.
Then there are those who explain that we need to cut down on protein.
Those who say they prefer fats, especially saturated ones.
On the contrary, there are those who want to increase protein.

There are those who say they are betting everything on whole grains, and those who argue that complex carbohydrates in general and cereals in particular should instead be banned from the table together with legumes.
Legumes which, others argue, are better proteins because they are vegetable.
The result is that those who try to be comfortable with nutrition today are prey to absurd confusion.

And the beauty is that each of these diets is accompanied by scientific studies to give itself its own legitimacy . 
They bring up the lives of Okinawans, Sardinians, Eskimos and a tribe of their choice.
The tribe lives either in a cave forgotten by the world except by the author of the book, or on top of a mountain, where it hoped to live in peace but no: it is mentioned in three out of five books as an example of the diet of the centenarians.
This alone should make you understand that the centenarian diet does not exist as a diet.

But in an age where everyone cares about their health, everyone becomes a trap of one of these diets, most of us no doubt.

Today I am explaining two essential facts that can reduce the importance of the diet of centenarians.
I want to explain to you that the centenarians are such for two important elements.
That these two elements affect their nutrition more.
And that therefore talking about the diet of centenarians makes very little sense.
These two elements are: genetics and the environment.

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