Does a hot bath burn like a brisk walk?

Does a hot bath burn like a brisk walk?

Taking a long and relaxing hot bath could have the same benefits as thirty minutes of brisk walking or a bicycle ride: this is revealed by a very interesting study, which evaluated the effects of a hot bath (water temperature is fundamental) on the cardio-metabolic health and the improvement of the metabolic syndrome (hypertension, obesity, high blood sugar, high cholesterol), taking into account how many people, despite the emergency of obesity, do not exercise. Researchers at  Loughborough University have found that after an hour or so of a 40 ° bath, the basal metabolic rate rises, and one tends to burn by more than 79%, just like an hour of “slow” cycling or walking. fast.
The subjects studied in both cases burned an average of 130 calories

In both cases the blood glucose values ​​normalize and are lower even after 24 hours . The study on the thermal effect of water to burn more calories had previously been done only on guinea pigs: this is the first study in humans, and although it is a small study, it explains the advantages of external temperature on the body’s metabolism, in in line with what has already been seen for cold temperatures. Of course, it is an hour of hot bath, but even half an hour every day would bring benefits for the body: it burns more and floats, I would say that it is worth a try.

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