Doctor Migliaccio’s diet after Christma

Doctor Migliaccio’s diet after Christma

Dr. Migliaccio was a nutritionist and dietician, president of the Italian Society of Nutrition Sciences. Promulgator of the Mediterranean diet, Dr. Migliaccio believed that it was right to have days off during the Christmas holidays, as long as you remedy the excesses in the following days with a compensatory weight loss plan.

Then I publish his famous diet after Christmas, to be done from 27 to 30 December, in order to get in shape for the new year .

On page one we see the scheme to follow, on page two and three the menu options for each day.


  • Day 27 December. Compensation diet.
  • December 28. Basic diet lunch + free dinner *.
  • December 29. Free lunch + basic diet dinner *.
  • December 30th. Compensation diet.
  • December 31st. Lunch with a choice of lunch or dinner option from the compensation diet + free dinner *.
  • January 1st. Free diet.

On page two we see what the light lunch and dinner correspond to from a basic diet and a compensation diet.

At the end of the article you will find a pdf with both pages to save in order to have the whole diet after Christmas at your fingertips.

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