Doctor Calabrese’s mini diet

Doctor Calabrese’s mini diet

A Mediterranean mini-diet ideal for getting back in shape after the holidays or as a last minute holiday diet? Let’s see Dr. Calabrese ‘s diet in a last minute version. A diet proposed by Professor Giorgio Calabrese, one of the best known doctors and dieticians in Italy, who explains how to lose weight and deflate thanks to a very simple rule of halving and doubling : you double the amount of fruit and vegetables in a day, yes halves the amount of complex carbohydrates and proteins.

Here is a scheme based on Dr. Calabrese’s mini diet.

Ideal to do for about a week
Breakfast: 100 ml of skimmed milk, coffee or tea without sugar + two slices of toasted wholemeal bread (40-50 g) with 2 teaspoons of honey or jam. As an alternative to bread two or three wholemeal rusks.
Snack:  a medium orange or 150 gr of strawberries or a kiwi or two mandarins
Lunch: 50 gr of pasta dressed with simple tomato sauce (add very little oil) or cherry tomatoes plus a nice mixed salad with a teaspoon of oil or vegetables at will with the same amount of oil, more aromas and spices to taste. Instead of pasta, rice and grains are ok.
Snack : a 125 gr low-fat yogurt
Dinner:100 gr of lean meat or fish (chicken, turkey, veal, cod, sole, hake) otherwise 200 gr of legumes already boiled (canned type) with vegetables in free quantity including vegetables and a teaspoon of oil for seasoning, herbs and spices free. Ok also lupine salami or lupine steak (same quantities of meat). A slice of wholemeal bread. 100 gr of fruit for dessert.
* lunch and dinner are interchangeable 

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