Doctor Calabrese’s diet for the summer

Doctor Calabrese’s diet for the summer

Prof Calabrese’s diet , to stay in shape in the summer, contains the advice of the well-known professor  and dietician to fight the great heat with the dishes of the Mediterranean diet .
Here’s how to eat right and stay fit even during the summer: in a fresher version of his smart diet.

To keep it simple, I translate the advice into an easy eating scheme.

You choose whether to follow the normal calorie plan or the version to lose weight 5 kg per month.
In this case the normocaloric plan will serve as maintenance.




Coffee or tea with a glass of semi-skimmed milk.
2 rusks with 1-2 teaspoons of honey or jam or 4 biscuits, plus a summer fruit such as pineapple, melon, watermelon as a mid-morning snack.


  • 2 times a week: caprese with 250 g of tomato, 100 g of light mozzarella and a teaspoon of oil, salt, oregano or basil + mixed salad, large portion, with a teaspoon of olive oil and v
  • Maximum twice a week: a plate of rice or pasta salad, medium portion + mixed salad, large portion, with a drizzle of olive oil and v
  • Once or twice a week: defatted ham, about 80 g, with 2-3 slices of cantaloupe melon + mixed salad, large portion, with a drizzle of olive oil and v
  • Alternatives: pasta or rice with vegetables (pasta and rice portion: about 70 gr) with a teaspoon of olive oil + mixed salad, large portion, with a drizzle of olive oil and v

Snack: seasonal fruit or a small cup of artisanal fruit ice cream weighing a maximum of 100 grams.


Grilled meat or fish (100/150 gr) with vegetable side dish of your choice + mixed salad, large portion, with a drizzle of olive oil and v. Vitel tonnè is also good, perhaps in the light version , or other summer protein dishes with moderation.
Wholemeal bread 40 grams or small portion of seasonal fruit.
Let’s see the slimming plan of the prof. Calabrese on page two.

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