Do you want to lose weight without diets? Change “mindset”

Do you want to lose weight without diets? Change “mindset”

Mindset, how could we translate this word into Italian? We could translate it as “mentality”, but it would be better to call it ” mental approach “. If I start this article from the mindset, it is because changing mental approach is essential if we want to lose weight without diets , if we want to understand each other more, make a more informed diet to lose weight. Eating disorder expert Gillian Riley explains that if we want to lose weight we obviously need to eat less, and if we want to eat less without being a slave to diets, we need to change our mindset.
Most diets don’t work becausecontrolling food by creating rules creates more disturbances than positive long-term effects : yes, we will probably lose weight, but it is also true that we will be forced to control everything we do, we will feel guilty for craving the food we cannot have, we will feel condemned to follow a food plan that leaves us little choice, making us feel deprived.

Sooner or later the body rebels against this deprivation. But there is a way out.
Starting from our mindset, that is to change mental approach regarding our lifestyle and our diet.
First, I want to tell you one thing: it works. You lose weight more slowly, but you lose weight without diets.
In these days the news is circulating of an obese boy who has changed his mindset to lose weight: he has in fact analyzed what he ate, and wondered if he could not, without counting the calories, eat better than that.

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