Diet of the glass: the method to lose 10 kilos

Diet of the glass: the method to lose 10 kilos

Arrived at the holidays with some suspicious roundness? Well, just one trick is enough to get back in shape.

There are no doses to follow, it is simply a question of getting a glass from the table and using it as a strategy to lose weight.


This is what Dr. Jimmy Mascaro says. psychiatrist and osteopath at Southern Iowa Mental Health Center who developed the glass diet , a method to lose 10 kilos or more based on portion control.

The method was developed by the doctor to meet the needs of his patients who could not lose weight on traditional diets, and were therefore depressed due to not being able to lose weight and not being able to control themselves with food.
The same doctor tested his method before him on himself, after studying the eating habits of his patients and the medical and paramedical staff of his hospital who complained of weight problems.

All of these people, including himself, had one thing in common: they couldn’t support themselves on food. The other problem is that they couldn’t give up on some foods they loved. The result is that they found the diet a sacrifice that sooner or later they abandoned.


There are some variations of the glass diet.
A few years ago, for example, a Korean restrictive diet called the paper cup diet became very popular.

Doctor Mascaro’s glass diet is instead a safe approach to weight loss, which has had a very wide response.
All the people who have done this diet have lost a minimum of 10 kilos, thanks to its extreme simplicity.

The diet is in fact based on portion control, a system on which the Portion Control Diet , also famous in Italy, is based.
But while for the latter you need to buy a kit of containers, for the glass diet all you need is a table glass. Let’s see in detail how dr. Mascaro.

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