Diet autophagy: mimic fasting to lose weight and live long

Diet autophagy: mimic fasting to lose weight and live long

Although the fasting-mimicking diet is an invention of Dr. Walter Longo, there are more and more protocols that teach how to get to autophagy by controlling the diet. By autophagy , we literally mean a process of self-phagocytosis at the cellular level.
The cells are forced to feed on old and damaged parts of cells, for example the mitochondria, and so make a clean sweep.
It is, as explained by the scientist Guido Kroemer , recently awarded for his research, of scavenger cells.

This would be the key to living a long time, reducing the risk of disease and having a good weight and excellent energy levels.
And autophagy is the secret of Dr. Longo’s fasting-mimicking diet .


But there are other dietary protocols that can give us the same results with a greater choice of foods, the important thing is to do them every day following certain rules , or at least for five days a week.

This is the case of the autophagy diet by Siim Land , a young entrepreneur and anthropologist who has gathered a team of nutritionists and medical researchers to study the effects of the diet on longevity. Author of the book ” Metabolic Autophagy “, Land has a youtube channel and a podcast (Body Mind Emporwement) in which he interviews all the researchers and scientists who deal with autophagy, bacterial flora, chronodiet, intermittent fasting.
In his book he recommends a diet to be able to start this process and fight cellular aging, also linked to obesity and overweight. On page two, his autophagy diet. (CONTINUED ON PAGE TWO).

Although the fasting-mimicking diet is an invention of Dr. Walter Longo, there are more and more protocols that teach how to get to autophagy by controlling the diet. By autophagy , we literally mean a process of self-phagocytosis at the cellular level.
The cells are forced to feed on old and damaged parts of cells, for example the mitochondria, and so make a clean sweep.
It is, as explained by the scientist Guido Kroemer , recently awarded for his research, of scavenger cells.

This would be the key to living a long time, reducing the risk of disease and having a good weight and excellent energy levels.
And autophagy is the secret of Dr. Longo’s fasting-mimicking diet .


But there are other dietary protocols that can give us the same results with a greater choice of foods, the important thing is to do them every day following certain rules , or at least for five days a week.

This is the case of the autophagy diet by Siim Land , a young entrepreneur and anthropologist who has gathered a team of nutritionists and medical researchers to study the effects of the diet on longevity. Author of the book ” Metabolic Autophagy “, Land has a youtube channel and a podcast (Body Mind Emporwement) in which he interviews all the researchers and scientists who deal with autophagy, bacterial flora, chronodiet, intermittent fasting.
In his book he recommends a diet to be able to start this process and fight cellular aging, also linked to obesity and overweight. On page two, his autophagy diet. (CONTINUED ON PAGE TWO).

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