Cut 300 calories a day to help your heart

Cut 300 calories a day to help your heart

It would be enough to cut 300 calories a day to have benefits not only on body weight, but also on cardiovascular health.

According to a study just published in The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology , those who cut 300 calories a day from their diet over the course of two years showed lower blood pressure and lower cholesterol as well as ten percent less body weight.

A small sacrifice that would lead to a big result, according to the researchers. In addition, a daily reduction of 300 calories led to a 24% reduction in triglycerides.


The study was conducted on a sample of over 200 adults aged between 20 and 50. Divided into two groups, the first group was instructed to cut 300 calories per day, the second group was asked to eat normally. Researchers have thus realized the cardiovascular health benefits of daily calorie reduction. Leading the study, researchers from Duke University School of Medicine in Durham . But how to cut 300 calories a day? The ideal is to start from your daily caloric needs (i.e. the overall total of calories we consume to keep our weight) and reduce 25% of them. On average, therefore, it was about 300 calories.


The best way to cut 300 calories a day is through swaps, or food replacements, plus a few tricks on the use of condiments.

  1. For example, use only one teaspoon of oil per meal and do not season the dishes by eye.
  2. Switch from whole milk to skim milk.
  3. Avoid sugaring coffee, tea or herbal tea or using stevia.
  4. Use egg whites in recipes that involve whole eggs.
  5. Consume a pound of ricotta or cottage cheese instead of mozzarella and stracchino for the same weight.
  6. Use konjac shirataki in place of pasta or rice one to two times a week.
  7. Eat a marinara pizza with the addition of a few slices of bresaola compared to a margherita pizza.
  8. Smollicate the bread if we eat sandwiches so that we only have the crust part.
  9. Use apple puree instead of butter in pies.
  10. Use fresh cream instead of butter for shortcrust pastry.
  11. Avoid added sugars in yogurts, choosing only natural white ones.
  12. Eat only one type of carbohydrate per meal.
  13. Reduce alcohol to one glass per week.
  14. Replace raw ham and salami with cooked ham and sliced ​​turkey.
  15. Use natural tuna instead of in oil.
  16. Do not use in oil but pickles.
  17. Start your meal with a raw carrot and eat the first one only after the second protein.
  18. Follow a diet cooking blog to make traditional recipes with fewer calories.

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