Correct digestion: the advice

Correct digestion: the advice

Improving the digestive system, which allows us to assimilate the food we eat, avoiding adverse reactions, and allows our body to obtain smaller and usable molecules from the large molecules of carbohydrates, proteins and fats we take in with food. When digestion does not work optimally , there is a risk of greater overweight, problems with bloating, regularity, greater risks of adverse reactions from food, reduction of an effective immune response, slower metabolism. But how to achieve proper digestion?
This is explained by Dr. Bajpai, an Indian doctor expert in naturopathy and Ayuverdic medicine.


  1. Eat calmly, without distractions, light foods and with simple cooking: focus your attention on what you eat and on correct chewing, take time to eat and do nothing else.
  2. Avoid drinking too much water with meals – this impairs your digestive strength.
  3. Instead, drink 2 glasses of water upon awakening.
  4. Take a relaxing walk if you already have problems with proper digestion, before the main meals.
  5. Get more fiber from fruits and vegetables and whole, minimally processed grains.
  6. Eat at the same times every day.
  7. Don’t sit too long: an exercise and movement routine will help with proper digestion.
  8. Inhale air with controlled breathing, and get out as much as possible to enjoy some fresh air.
  9. One day a week or every two weeks, clean up your gut by eating only raw fruits and vegetables.
  10. Drink enough water throughout the day.
  11. Reduce Stress: Take 5 minutes a day to do meditation, yoga, stretching or other relaxing activities.

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