Combine your light summer salad to lose weight!

Combine your light summer salad to lose weight!

A perfect summer salad as a meal for lunch or dinner, rich in carbohydrates from plant sources, rich in fiber and with the right protein intake to make it nutritious and satiating. Just choose an ingredient for each food group to create a thousand different recipes, and always keep within a maximum of 250 calories.

You will ask yourself: what does it take to make a salad?
Little if you think of the usual recipe with leaf salads, tomatoes, cucumbers or other.
And in fact, I’m not talking about that salad. I’m talking about a single salad dish.

And here the donkey falls. In fact, salads on the market or at the bar often have problems.

  • Those at the supermarket do not have a sufficient source of protein , while they often have olives, nuts, mozzarella or tuna in oil and an oil and vinegar based dressing. We have a salad of over 200 calories if you go for the nutritional values, but unbalanced. You run the risk of eating it for lunch and feeling hungry again an hour later.
  • On the other hand, at the bar the options to choose are high-calorie: mozzarella exceeds 100 grams and can be replaced by tuna in oil, then there is corn, sometimes in oil, with the result that often the salad at the bar risks being more caloric. of a plate of pasta.
  • Instead, what I offer you in this article is a kind of formula.

    Thanks to the basic recipe you will always know how many calories your salad has, how you can customize it without adding too much fat, how to make it satiating, nutritious but dietary.
    Once you’ve limited your lunch calories, you can have a slice of toast with a teaspoon of honey, a low-fat yogurt or a glass of skim or soy milk, a cube of dark chocolate, or 3 almonds for breakfast.
    For a snack and a snack, a fruit or a popsicle. For dinner, a first course with wholemeal pasta and simple sauce to alternate with grilled fish or meat with a side of vegetables and fruit or another light second course.
    This way you know how to control your diet to easily lose weight.

    light salad


max 250 calories, ingredients for one serving
Choose a food from each group and create your own recipe.
After the salad, you can eat a 150 gram peach or strawberries.

FIRST GROUP. 100 gr of leafy vegetables including: rocket, leaf salad, raw spinach, radicchio, endive, watercress, parsley (leaves only). If you have digestive problems: choose valerian, watercress or songino or baby spinach.
200 gr of draining and water-rich vegetables
 such as cucumber, raw fennel, raw celery, sprouts, red onion.
100 grams of vegetables such as sliced ​​raw peppers, radishes, tomatoes  or  100 grams of mushrooms or carrots.
120 gr of canned legumes already boiled including chickpeas, sponge beans, corona beans, lentils orsatiating proteins such as: 110 gr of chicken breast / natural tuna / turkey / shrimp / light cottage cheese or 50 gr of feta / mozzarella or natural tofu or 2 small eggs.
a level teaspoon of oil or 50 grams of olives reduced in cream or a teaspoon of oil seeds. SIXTH GROUP: TO YOUR PLEASURE

Mix of aromatic herbs rich in mineral salts such as tarragon, mint, oregano. Balsamic vinegar. Lemon juice. Mustard.
Salt. Gomasio. Nutritional Yeast. Spices. Shirataki rice.

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