Coach Jen Widerstrom’s natural drainage

Coach Jen Widerstrom’s natural drainage

This water created by coach Jen Widerstrom is a marvel against water retention and swelling, especially in summer: it is a real natural drainage , to be drunk in the morning or in the early part of the day.
In fact, this natural draining and detox water contains functional foods to reduce swelling and allows us to get rid of excess fluids quickly, especially in summer, when people feel more swollen in the heat also due to electrolyte decompensation.
But let’s see the recipe!

1 and a half liters of water
1 sliced ​​organic lemon, including peel
1 peeled sliced ​​kiwi
1 large sliced ​​organic cucumber, including peel

In a large jug, chop fruit and vegetables as indicated, add water and, if you prefer, customize with a little stevia and slices of fresh ginger and mint or basil leaves. This is the daily dose of natural drainage for a person, to drink during the day: it entirely provides 42 calories, and has a high content of potassium and vitamin C, antioxidants and anti-swelling.
Also ideal for those who have a diet low in fruit and vegetables and tend to eat too salty, as a natural rebalancing, it can be prepared in advance or drunk on the street and in the office.

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