Cervical: how to sleep to reduce inflammation
What is the right posture and how to sleep to reduce neck pain?

People with neck pain find it difficult to find a comfortable posture, whether at rest or when awake. Lack of relaxation and overload due to lack of rest can make neck pain worse.
Gymnastics to mobilize the part affected by pain and therefore make it more loose, and the right listening and relaxation exercises, which allow you to perceive any unnecessary tensions and release them, are useful as a prevention or remedy in cases of mild neck pain or in the first moments of pain.
However, when the pain is in its most painful and acute phase, all you can do is try to release tension through cervical massages , light mobilizations, and even the right rest.
So let’s see how to sleep to reduce inflammation of the cervical tract .
How to sleep to reduce inflammation
Rest is very important for the body’s recovery from any situation of tension and imbalance.
Rest is a primary necessity for anyone, even more so for those who experience symptoms of neck pain, symptoms which, by their very nature, call the individual’s attention to a lack of rest.
But resting when you are suffering from neck pain is not always easy. The standing position increases stiffness and the horizontal position, lying down, can be unbearable.
It is necessary, in order to rest properly and accelerate the self-healing process, to adopt an optimal posture: the position is the one that keeps the neck line naturally curved and aligned with the rest of the spine.
The recommended posture is supine , with a low pillow or, better still, without a pillow , if the mattress is able to mold itself to the shape of the column.
The pillow is very important: it must support the neck without being too soft, accompany the natural curvature of the neck and shoulders without forcing their rigidity.
What are the natural anti-inflammatories for the neck?
Cervical: symptoms and causes
Cervical pains are distinguished by the area they affect: they are painful affections affecting the cervical spine , the area between the shoulders and the neck. They can branch out to the upper back and along the arms.
The pain occurs with difficulty in turning and bending the head, sometimes in the shoulders and arms.
However, there are also more serious cases in which the symptoms of cervical pain go further: you can get dizzy and dizzy, headaches and symptoms similar to labyrinthitis, up to nausea and vomiting.
The causes of cervical pain are mainly attributable to muscle contractures : it is in fact the muscles that ache, and not the bones or joints, if not by reflex.
The reasons why the muscles of the neck and shoulders are found to suffer and produce what are commonly called cervical pains can be many: in the first place there is stress, which induces a constant and unmotivated tension response of all the muscle groups , in particular, for those who feel loaded with many responsibilities, those of the neck and shoulders.
Analogically, this area recalls the person’s relationship with responsibilities and gives indications on the perception that one has of oneself in relation to the responsibilities of life . The way of saying “weight on the shoulders” is more than a simple association of words.
Other reasons may concern the lifestyle, too sedentary or, on the contrary, with too intense sporting activity that does not allow the normal recovery of the muscles.
The diet and conditions of the digestive system, including the intestine, can also, indirectly and indirectly, compromise the functionality of the muscles of the neck and joints.
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