Bioimis diet, does it work?

Bioimis diet, does it work?

And let’s talk about the Bioimis diet.
Do you remember when I said that it would be nice to find in Italy a weight loss method inspired by the Mediterranean diet, which is free, apart from, what do I know, the purchase of a book or the subscription to an app?
Here, the Bioimis diet seems to me the opposite example to what I hope for in terms of nutrition education.
It is in fact a diet of which, apart from the official website , the articles in the magazines that report what was said on the site and the comments of people who write the same things using the same words, I have not found any useful information.

Neither a program nor a real method that can be clear to users before paying for it. In fact, there is no food program.
Each person who follows the Bioimis diet receives personalized menus and advice by phone, as well as constant medical consultation through a coach.


The diet is divided into a weight loss and a maintenance phase.
However, providing a menu over the phone does not in my opinion mean having a method or relying on nutrition rules, and in this the Bioimis diet reminds me a lot of the Lemme diet. Apart from some known recommendations, such as eating without salt and not taking calories into account (which means having a dietary restriction, i.e. having only a few foods available), the guidelines of the Bioimis diet are not public.

From what customers testify, the Bioimis diet, designed to reset the metabolism and lose weight in a natural way, consists of a first phase in which only vegetables, meat and fish are allowed, without salt, with high quantities of water and juice. lemon to be taken during the day.
For example:
– onions for breakfast, grilled veal for lunch, asparagus for dinner. Or spaghetti with garlic and oil for breakfast, a vegetable for lunch and one for dinner. The oil can be added freely.


With this type of diet you can run into dehydration (due to the absence of carbohydrates and salt, both of which allow the body to retain fluids) and loss of mineral salts. Dehydration leads to rapid weight loss.
The quantities of food are unlimited , but it is difficult to eat your fill of vegetables in one meal or just meat in another, all without salt. In fact, only one food is provided for each meal.
And this phase can last for months.

Same reason the Lemme diet works: take away the salt, push people to only consume two or three different foods in a day. Even those who love to eat will never be able to take in too many calories during the slimming phase, because proteins, stimulating insulin, induce a strong satiety.
While for the Lemme diet the customers are in contact with the famous pharmacist, for the Bioimis diet a staff of nutritionists and doctors is available to the customer: but the telephone service is subject to charges.


Therefore the Bioimis diet, conceived by Roberto Zorzo, is a contract, it is not a simple diet. You sign a contract with a company to get a weight loss fee.
The costs for the customer in a year can reach 2500 euros (therefore about 200 euros per month), while maintenance does not have these exorbitant costs.
From what little I have been able to find from the reviews on the net, after the first phase of weight loss with almost no carbohydrates and no salt, personalizations of the diet follow that continue to remember the Lemme method, including eating pasta for breakfast.

The customer has over 400 recipes available, with greater freedom of food, but nothing that suggests a moderate and balanced diet. And it wouldn’t be a big deal either, if you have to get up in the morning and make a plate of macaroni with cream and if you can’t salt anything.

But you have paid, now they are the ones who tell you what to do, by phone, every two days, by contacting the call center: the Bioimis diet varies but you never stop being a customer. (Continued on page 2)

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