B complex vitamins | Importance of B complex vitamins in our body

B complex vitamins | Importance of B complex vitamins in our body:
B complex vitamin refers group of 8 vitamins. These vitamins plays vital role in our body. It is used for energy production and other different functions. These 8 vitamins are:
Folic acid
This article will cover all these vitamins. Their deficiencies and their sources, so, it is very important article. This article will focus only on the introduction of vitamins and some information about each vitamin.
Why B complex vitamins are important:
Vitamin B is very important for body. These vitamins are important to convert food into energy. Each vitamin has its own functions.
Vitamin B-1 is a water soluble vitamin and an important role in the provision of energy to the human body. It is also known as thiamine or Aneurine. It is a white solid and is highly water soluble. Thiamine occurs in the animal and plant tissues in the form of thiamine pyrophosphate (TPP) that is also known as cocarboxylase or as the diphophate ester of thiamine. It is transported through blood stream. Only a little of water soluble vitamins stay in body, most of them is excreted through urine so the same for thiamine. It is essential for glucose metabolism, in nerve, muscle and heart function.
Thiamine is converted into its active form that is thiamine pyrophosphate (TPP) by an enzyme thiamine diphosphotransferase in brain and liver. In this from thiamine performs its function in the metabolism of glucose and pyruvate.
It helps the body cells in obtaining the energy from the food.
It keeps the nerves healthy and enhances the appetite and improves digestion.
Thiamin also plays its role in muscle contraction and conduction of nerve impulses.
It is also helpful in maintaining the good health of skin, eyes, liver and hair.
As it is a part of B vitamins family, so it has an anti-stress effect on the human body in stress conditions.
It also keeps the heart, brain, stomach and intestines healthy.
It is involved in the flow of electrolytes across the cell.
It is given to the people with the diseases ulcerative colitis, diarrhea and poor appetite to treat them.
Thiamine injections are also given to the patients with coma.
If you want to know more about thiamine then click on this link and visit our article about importance of thiamine in body:

Niacin is also known as vitamin B3 or nicotinic acid. It is a water soluble vitamin, member of the B-complex vitamins family. It is not stored in the body as it is water soluble and is carried through blood stream. Excess of it is not stored and is rapidly excreted through urine. It usually exists in the form of a co-enzyme that is NAD+ and participates in the oxidative reaction especially in the oxidation of food components for the purpose of energy. It has many functions to do in our body e.g keeping our skin, digestive system and nervous system healthy. Niacin also comes in the form of Niacinamide and inositol-hexanicotinate. Niacin can harm if consumed in excess.
Niacin has many roles in our body functioning. These may include:
Vitamin B3 plays its major role in the oxidation and breakdown of the carbohydrates, proteins and lipids for the purpose of energy. It also plays its role in the glands and liver function.
Niacin has also been found to play its role in the hormone production through the adrenal glands. It also helps to remove harmful chemicals from the liver.
It is also used to improve many pathetic conditions e.g it is used to treat migraine headaches, diarrhea, cholera, dizziness and circulation issues.
It is also used to repair the damage caused by brain strokes. It was seen that niacin when used in stroke patients, it helped to form new blood vessels in the brain thus, contributing toward the stroke treatment.
It has also been found to reduce the skin cancer risks in people having the history of skin cancer.
It is also useful for skin health as when the nicotinamide gel is used on the skin, it helps to reduce the acne problems.
It is also helpful in maintaining the sexual health especially in men and improves the ability of a person to maintain an erection of penis. Those men who have moderate to severe erectile dysfunction can benefit from it.
Due to the anti-inflammatory effect of niacin, it can also help to improve or cure the conditions of inflammatory bowel disease.
If you want to know more about Niacin then click on this link and visit our article about importance of Niacin in body:

Riboflavin is also known as the vitamin B2. It is the water soluble vitamin that is required in minute amounts but play a major role in the human growth by providing the energy through the breakdown of food. It is also important for absorbing other nutrients and maintaining tissues. As it is a water soluble vitamin, so it is carried through blood stream and the excess of it is excreted out through urine. There must be the regular provision of vitamin B2 on daily basis as its supply is rapidly used down and is not stored. Most of this vitamin is absorbed in the small intestine.
Vitamin B2 plays its role as:
In maintaining the mucous membrane of the digestive system.
In maintaining the healthy liver activity, as it is a co-enzyme so plays its role in the oxidative reactions mostly occurring in the liver.
It also contributes in converting the tryptophan that is an amino acid into the Niacin (that is also a co-enzyme and vitamin B3).
It also assists the hormone production by the adrenal glands that are the kidney glands.
It also keeps the eyes, nerve muscles and skin healthy.
It makes your eyesight healthy by preventing the development of cataracts.
It also activates and enhances the absorption of the iron, folic acid, vitamin B1, vitamin B3 and vitamin B6.
It also improves and assists the fetal development.
Normal doses of vitamin B2 are safe during pregnancy.
It is also used to prevent the migraine headache.
In children with the autism, the supplement of vitamin B2, B6 helps to prevent and control the amounts of organic acids in the urine.
If you want to know more about riboflavin then click on this link and visit our article about importance of riboflavin in body:

Vitamin B 5 is yellow viscous oil. It is water soluble vitamin. It is essential for body as well as it is also used in industry. It is used to form blood in body. It has also sex related function in body. It improves digestive system of body. Some important functions of pantothenic acid are given below:
Improve digestive system:
As we know that all B complex vitamins are used for improvement of digestive system, as it pantothenic acid is also used in the improvement of digestive system. It is used to convert food into glucose or ATP. It also give strengthens to muscles in digestive system.
Sports Nutrition:
It has also benefits for a sports man, Combination of thiamine and pantothenic acid improve muscular strength and stamina.
Formation of cholesterol and fatty acids:
Pantothenic acid is also used for the production of cholesterol, because pantothenic acid converts into cholesterol and fatty acids. Cholesterols are very important for human body. It is not bad for health. It is important for the strength of cell. And it is a basic component of cell membrane. If you want to know more about Cholesterol, then click on this link:

For Skin:
Pantothenic acid is used for the moisturizing of skin. That is helpful in acne control. So, if you want to control acne, use pantothenic acid rich food.
Treatment of constipation:
These pantothenic acids are also used to treat constipation.

Biotin is also known as vitamin H. It is a part of the B-complex vitamins family. Being water soluble, it is carried through blood stream and is not stored in the body. Excess is excreted out through urine. It plays its role in the oxidation of glucose for the energy purpose. It also aids in metabolizing the fats and proteins. Biotin literally means life or sustenance that means it plays many other important roles as in keeping the skin, hair, eyes, liver and nervous system healthy. It is also found in many cosmetic products for hair and skin. It also promotes the healthy development of babies in the pregnant ladies.
The main role of biotin is the production of energy by metabolizing carbohydrates, proteins and fats. But it also has some other important roles in our body. These include:
Biotin is necessary for the functioning of many enzymes such as carboxylases. These enzymes then further play their role in the production of glucose and fatty acids.
The brittle nail condition tends to prevail in about 20 % people around the world. In this situation, the nails become brittle, weak and cracked so that easy to pull out. This condition can be benefited from the biotin consumption.
Biotin is also responsible for the strong, healthy and longer hair. Deficiency of vitamin H (biotin) can cause the hair loss.
The increased amounts of biotin are important to be consumed during the life stages of pregnancy and lactation. Biotin ensures the healthy birth of pregnant ladies. On the same side, its deficiency can cause birth defects.
Biotin has also been found to regulate the blood glucose level that’s why it is important in type 2 diabetes. The biotin supplements along with the mineral chromium are used to lower the blood glucose level in the patients of type 2 diabetes.
Biotin is also important for skin health. Its deficiency can cause the redness and rashes on the skin. Its deficiency can also cause the skin disorder seborrheic dermatitis. As fats are important for skin health so when the biotin is deficient, then there can be impairment in the fat metabolism causing the skin problems.
Biotin has also been found to play its role in the production of myelin sheath that is a protective covering of fats in the axons of neurons. When the biotin is deficient, there would be the destruction of the nerve fibers especially in brain, spinal cord and eyes leading to multiple sclerosis. This condition can be improved by taking high doses of biotin.
If you want to know more about biotin then click on this link and visit our article about importance of biotin in body:

Folic acid:
Folic acid is a form of vitamin B-9. It is a major ingredient or component of the genetic material that’s why very important for the developing fetus. It is a complex B vitamin. It has many health benefits mainly for the developing fetus e.g on the brain development. The mothers who while pregnancy take the folic acid supplements, their babies tend to develop more IQ than others that don’t. It also has its role in red blood cell production and preventing hearing loss. It also preserves the brain health of an infant. Vitamin B-9 includes both folate and folic acid. It is a pregnancy superhero.
Folic acid is too much important for each and every woman as they are going to be a mother one day.
Folic acids main benefit is its role in healthy fetal brain and spinal cord development. It tends to reduce the neural tube defects up to minimum.
It has been recommended that the girls who are in child-bearing age should take folic acid after they are more than 14 years of age.
The woman who takes the folic acid supplements for an year before conception are at the 50 percent lesser risks of premature child birth.
Moreover, by the consumption of the folate, the birth defects of brain and spinal cord e.g spina bifida and anencephaly. As the brain and spinal cord development is mostly in the first four weeks of the fetal development so folate is strictly recommended during this period of pregnancy to reduce the deformities in the child birth.
Vitamin B12 is also known as cobalamin. It is an essential vitamin that your body demands through diet as it is not produced by the human body. It is mostly present in animal foods especially in meats but can also be added to other foods as a result of fortification. The people who are vegetarians can get this vitamin from the supplemental source. It plays its role in the health of nerve tissues, proper brain function and in the production of red blood cells. Its deficiency can result in pernicious anemia in which the red blood cell production is reduced.
If you want to know more about Cobalamin, and then click on this link and visit our article about Cobalamin.
At the end in the light of above discussion we can that Vitamin B-complex are more important for human body. They have different functions.

B complex vitamins | Importance of B complex vitamins in our body:
B complex vitamin refers group of 8 vitamins. These vitamins plays vital role in our body. It is used for energy production and other different functions. These 8 vitamins are:
Folic acid
This article will cover all these vitamins. Their deficiencies and their sources, so, it is very important article. This article will focus only on the introduction of vitamins and some information about each vitamin.
Why B complex vitamins are important:
Vitamin B is very important for body. These vitamins are important to convert food into energy. Each vitamin has its own functions.
Vitamin B-1 is a water soluble vitamin and an important role in the provision of energy to the human body. It is also known as thiamine or Aneurine. It is a white solid and is highly water soluble. Thiamine occurs in the animal and plant tissues in the form of thiamine pyrophosphate (TPP) that is also known as cocarboxylase or as the diphophate ester of thiamine. It is transported through blood stream. Only a little of water soluble vitamins stay in body, most of them is excreted through urine so the same for thiamine. It is essential for glucose metabolism, in nerve, muscle and heart function.
Thiamine is converted into its active form that is thiamine pyrophosphate (TPP) by an enzyme thiamine diphosphotransferase in brain and liver. In this from thiamine performs its function in the metabolism of glucose and pyruvate.
It helps the body cells in obtaining the energy from the food.
It keeps the nerves healthy and enhances the appetite and improves digestion.
Thiamin also plays its role in muscle contraction and conduction of nerve impulses.
It is also helpful in maintaining the good health of skin, eyes, liver and hair.
As it is a part of B vitamins family, so it has an anti-stress effect on the human body in stress conditions.
It also keeps the heart, brain, stomach and intestines healthy.
It is involved in the flow of electrolytes across the cell.
It is given to the people with the diseases ulcerative colitis, diarrhea and poor appetite to treat them.
Thiamine injections are also given to the patients with coma.
If you want to know more about thiamine then click on this link and visit our article about importance of thiamine in body:

Niacin is also known as vitamin B3 or nicotinic acid. It is a water soluble vitamin, member of the B-complex vitamins family. It is not stored in the body as it is water soluble and is carried through blood stream. Excess of it is not stored and is rapidly excreted through urine. It usually exists in the form of a co-enzyme that is NAD+ and participates in the oxidative reaction especially in the oxidation of food components for the purpose of energy. It has many functions to do in our body e.g keeping our skin, digestive system and nervous system healthy. Niacin also comes in the form of Niacinamide and inositol-hexanicotinate. Niacin can harm if consumed in excess.
Niacin has many roles in our body functioning. These may include:
Vitamin B3 plays its major role in the oxidation and breakdown of the carbohydrates, proteins and lipids for the purpose of energy. It also plays its role in the glands and liver function.
Niacin has also been found to play its role in the hormone production through the adrenal glands. It also helps to remove harmful chemicals from the liver.
It is also used to improve many pathetic conditions e.g it is used to treat migraine headaches, diarrhea, cholera, dizziness and circulation issues.
It is also used to repair the damage caused by brain strokes. It was seen that niacin when used in stroke patients, it helped to form new blood vessels in the brain thus, contributing toward the stroke treatment.
It has also been found to reduce the skin cancer risks in people having the history of skin cancer.
It is also useful for skin health as when the nicotinamide gel is used on the skin, it helps to reduce the acne problems.
It is also helpful in maintaining the sexual health especially in men and improves the ability of a person to maintain an erection of penis. Those men who have moderate to severe erectile dysfunction can benefit from it.
Due to the anti-inflammatory effect of niacin, it can also help to improve or cure the conditions of inflammatory bowel disease.
If you want to know more about Niacin then click on this link and visit our article about importance of Niacin in body:

Riboflavin is also known as the vitamin B2. It is the water soluble vitamin that is required in minute amounts but play a major role in the human growth by providing the energy through the breakdown of food. It is also important for absorbing other nutrients and maintaining tissues. As it is a water soluble vitamin, so it is carried through blood stream and the excess of it is excreted out through urine. There must be the regular provision of vitamin B2 on daily basis as its supply is rapidly used down and is not stored. Most of this vitamin is absorbed in the small intestine.
Vitamin B2 plays its role as:
In maintaining the mucous membrane of the digestive system.
In maintaining the healthy liver activity, as it is a co-enzyme so plays its role in the oxidative reactions mostly occurring in the liver.
It also contributes in converting the tryptophan that is an amino acid into the Niacin (that is also a co-enzyme and vitamin B3).
It also assists the hormone production by the adrenal glands that are the kidney glands.
It also keeps the eyes, nerve muscles and skin healthy.
It makes your eyesight healthy by preventing the development of cataracts.
It also activates and enhances the absorption of the iron, folic acid, vitamin B1, vitamin B3 and vitamin B6.
It also improves and assists the fetal development.
Normal doses of vitamin B2 are safe during pregnancy.
It is also used to prevent the migraine headache.
In children with the autism, the supplement of vitamin B2, B6 helps to prevent and control the amounts of organic acids in the urine.
If you want to know more about riboflavin then click on this link and visit our article about importance of riboflavin in body:

Vitamin B 5 is yellow viscous oil. It is water soluble vitamin. It is essential for body as well as it is also used in industry. It is used to form blood in body. It has also sex related function in body. It improves digestive system of body. Some important functions of pantothenic acid are given below:
Improve digestive system:
As we know that all B complex vitamins are used for improvement of digestive system, as it pantothenic acid is also used in the improvement of digestive system. It is used to convert food into glucose or ATP. It also give strengthens to muscles in digestive system.
Sports Nutrition:
It has also benefits for a sports man, Combination of thiamine and pantothenic acid improve muscular strength and stamina.
Formation of cholesterol and fatty acids:
Pantothenic acid is also used for the production of cholesterol, because pantothenic acid converts into cholesterol and fatty acids. Cholesterols are very important for human body. It is not bad for health. It is important for the strength of cell. And it is a basic component of cell membrane. If you want to know more about Cholesterol, then click on this link:

For Skin:
Pantothenic acid is used for the moisturizing of skin. That is helpful in acne control. So, if you want to control acne, use pantothenic acid rich food.
Treatment of constipation:
These pantothenic acids are also used to treat constipation.

Biotin is also known as vitamin H. It is a part of the B-complex vitamins family. Being water soluble, it is carried through blood stream and is not stored in the body. Excess is excreted out through urine. It plays its role in the oxidation of glucose for the energy purpose. It also aids in metabolizing the fats and proteins. Biotin literally means life or sustenance that means it plays many other important roles as in keeping the skin, hair, eyes, liver and nervous system healthy. It is also found in many cosmetic products for hair and skin. It also promotes the healthy development of babies in the pregnant ladies.
The main role of biotin is the production of energy by metabolizing carbohydrates, proteins and fats. But it also has some other important roles in our body. These include:
Biotin is necessary for the functioning of many enzymes such as carboxylases. These enzymes then further play their role in the production of glucose and fatty acids.
The brittle nail condition tends to prevail in about 20 % people around the world. In this situation, the nails become brittle, weak and cracked so that easy to pull out. This condition can be benefited from the biotin consumption.
Biotin is also responsible for the strong, healthy and longer hair. Deficiency of vitamin H (biotin) can cause the hair loss.
The increased amounts of biotin are important to be consumed during the life stages of pregnancy and lactation. Biotin ensures the healthy birth of pregnant ladies. On the same side, its deficiency can cause birth defects.
Biotin has also been found to regulate the blood glucose level that’s why it is important in type 2 diabetes. The biotin supplements along with the mineral chromium are used to lower the blood glucose level in the patients of type 2 diabetes.
Biotin is also important for skin health. Its deficiency can cause the redness and rashes on the skin. Its deficiency can also cause the skin disorder seborrheic dermatitis. As fats are important for skin health so when the biotin is deficient, then there can be impairment in the fat metabolism causing the skin problems.
Biotin has also been found to play its role in the production of myelin sheath that is a protective covering of fats in the axons of neurons. When the biotin is deficient, there would be the destruction of the nerve fibers especially in brain, spinal cord and eyes leading to multiple sclerosis. This condition can be improved by taking high doses of biotin.
If you want to know more about biotin then click on this link and visit our article about importance of biotin in body:

Folic acid:
Folic acid is a form of vitamin B-9. It is a major ingredient or component of the genetic material that’s why very important for the developing fetus. It is a complex B vitamin. It has many health benefits mainly for the developing fetus e.g on the brain development. The mothers who while pregnancy take the folic acid supplements, their babies tend to develop more IQ than others that don’t. It also has its role in red blood cell production and preventing hearing loss. It also preserves the brain health of an infant. Vitamin B-9 includes both folate and folic acid. It is a pregnancy superhero.
Folic acid is too much important for each and every woman as they are going to be a mother one day.
Folic acids main benefit is its role in healthy fetal brain and spinal cord development. It tends to reduce the neural tube defects up to minimum.
It has been recommended that the girls who are in child-bearing age should take folic acid after they are more than 14 years of age.
The woman who takes the folic acid supplements for an year before conception are at the 50 percent lesser risks of premature child birth.
Moreover, by the consumption of the folate, the birth defects of brain and spinal cord e.g spina bifida and anencephaly. As the brain and spinal cord development is mostly in the first four weeks of the fetal development so folate is strictly recommended during this period of pregnancy to reduce the deformities in the child birth.
Vitamin B12 is also known as cobalamin. It is an essential vitamin that your body demands through diet as it is not produced by the human body. It is mostly present in animal foods especially in meats but can also be added to other foods as a result of fortification. The people who are vegetarians can get this vitamin from the supplemental source. It plays its role in the health of nerve tissues, proper brain function and in the production of red blood cells. Its deficiency can result in pernicious anemia in which the red blood cell production is reduced.
If you want to know more about Cobalamin, and then click on this link and visit our article about Cobalamin.
At the end in the light of above discussion we can that Vitamin B-complex are more important for human body. They have different functions.

B complex vitamins | Importance of B complex vitamins in our body:
B complex vitamin refers group of 8 vitamins. These vitamins plays vital role in our body. It is used for energy production and other different functions. These 8 vitamins are:
Folic acid
This article will cover all these vitamins. Their deficiencies and their sources, so, it is very important article. This article will focus only on the introduction of vitamins and some information about each vitamin.
Why B complex vitamins are important:
Vitamin B is very important for body. These vitamins are important to convert food into energy. Each vitamin has its own functions.
Vitamin B-1 is a water soluble vitamin and an important role in the provision of energy to the human body. It is also known as thiamine or Aneurine. It is a white solid and is highly water soluble. Thiamine occurs in the animal and plant tissues in the form of thiamine pyrophosphate (TPP) that is also known as cocarboxylase or as the diphophate ester of thiamine. It is transported through blood stream. Only a little of water soluble vitamins stay in body, most of them is excreted through urine so the same for thiamine. It is essential for glucose metabolism, in nerve, muscle and heart function.
Thiamine is converted into its active form that is thiamine pyrophosphate (TPP) by an enzyme thiamine diphosphotransferase in brain and liver. In this from thiamine performs its function in the metabolism of glucose and pyruvate.
It helps the body cells in obtaining the energy from the food.
It keeps the nerves healthy and enhances the appetite and improves digestion.
Thiamin also plays its role in muscle contraction and conduction of nerve impulses.
It is also helpful in maintaining the good health of skin, eyes, liver and hair.
As it is a part of B vitamins family, so it has an anti-stress effect on the human body in stress conditions.
It also keeps the heart, brain, stomach and intestines healthy.
It is involved in the flow of electrolytes across the cell.
It is given to the people with the diseases ulcerative colitis, diarrhea and poor appetite to treat them.
Thiamine injections are also given to the patients with coma.
If you want to know more about thiamine then click on this link and visit our article about importance of thiamine in body:

Niacin is also known as vitamin B3 or nicotinic acid. It is a water soluble vitamin, member of the B-complex vitamins family. It is not stored in the body as it is water soluble and is carried through blood stream. Excess of it is not stored and is rapidly excreted through urine. It usually exists in the form of a co-enzyme that is NAD+ and participates in the oxidative reaction especially in the oxidation of food components for the purpose of energy. It has many functions to do in our body e.g keeping our skin, digestive system and nervous system healthy. Niacin also comes in the form of Niacinamide and inositol-hexanicotinate. Niacin can harm if consumed in excess.
Niacin has many roles in our body functioning. These may include:
Vitamin B3 plays its major role in the oxidation and breakdown of the carbohydrates, proteins and lipids for the purpose of energy. It also plays its role in the glands and liver function.
Niacin has also been found to play its role in the hormone production through the adrenal glands. It also helps to remove harmful chemicals from the liver.
It is also used to improve many pathetic conditions e.g it is used to treat migraine headaches, diarrhea, cholera, dizziness and circulation issues.
It is also used to repair the damage caused by brain strokes. It was seen that niacin when used in stroke patients, it helped to form new blood vessels in the brain thus, contributing toward the stroke treatment.
It has also been found to reduce the skin cancer risks in people having the history of skin cancer.
It is also useful for skin health as when the nicotinamide gel is used on the skin, it helps to reduce the acne problems.
It is also helpful in maintaining the sexual health especially in men and improves the ability of a person to maintain an erection of penis. Those men who have moderate to severe erectile dysfunction can benefit from it.
Due to the anti-inflammatory effect of niacin, it can also help to improve or cure the conditions of inflammatory bowel disease.
If you want to know more about Niacin then click on this link and visit our article about importance of Niacin in body:

Riboflavin is also known as the vitamin B2. It is the water soluble vitamin that is required in minute amounts but play a major role in the human growth by providing the energy through the breakdown of food. It is also important for absorbing other nutrients and maintaining tissues. As it is a water soluble vitamin, so it is carried through blood stream and the excess of it is excreted out through urine. There must be the regular provision of vitamin B2 on daily basis as its supply is rapidly used down and is not stored. Most of this vitamin is absorbed in the small intestine.
Vitamin B2 plays its role as:
In maintaining the mucous membrane of the digestive system.
In maintaining the healthy liver activity, as it is a co-enzyme so plays its role in the oxidative reactions mostly occurring in the liver.
It also contributes in converting the tryptophan that is an amino acid into the Niacin (that is also a co-enzyme and vitamin B3).
It also assists the hormone production by the adrenal glands that are the kidney glands.
It also keeps the eyes, nerve muscles and skin healthy.
It makes your eyesight healthy by preventing the development of cataracts.
It also activates and enhances the absorption of the iron, folic acid, vitamin B1, vitamin B3 and vitamin B6.
It also improves and assists the fetal development.
Normal doses of vitamin B2 are safe during pregnancy.
It is also used to prevent the migraine headache.
In children with the autism, the supplement of vitamin B2, B6 helps to prevent and control the amounts of organic acids in the urine.
If you want to know more about riboflavin then click on this link and visit our article about importance of riboflavin in body:

Vitamin B 5 is yellow viscous oil. It is water soluble vitamin. It is essential for body as well as it is also used in industry. It is used to form blood in body. It has also sex related function in body. It improves digestive system of body. Some important functions of pantothenic acid are given below:
Improve digestive system:
As we know that all B complex vitamins are used for improvement of digestive system, as it pantothenic acid is also used in the improvement of digestive system. It is used to convert food into glucose or ATP. It also give strengthens to muscles in digestive system.
Sports Nutrition:
It has also benefits for a sports man, Combination of thiamine and pantothenic acid improve muscular strength and stamina.
Formation of cholesterol and fatty acids:
Pantothenic acid is also used for the production of cholesterol, because pantothenic acid converts into cholesterol and fatty acids. Cholesterols are very important for human body. It is not bad for health. It is important for the strength of cell. And it is a basic component of cell membrane. If you want to know more about Cholesterol, then click on this link:

For Skin:
Pantothenic acid is used for the moisturizing of skin. That is helpful in acne control. So, if you want to control acne, use pantothenic acid rich food.
Treatment of constipation:
These pantothenic acids are also used to treat constipation.

Biotin is also known as vitamin H. It is a part of the B-complex vitamins family. Being water soluble, it is carried through blood stream and is not stored in the body. Excess is excreted out through urine. It plays its role in the oxidation of glucose for the energy purpose. It also aids in metabolizing the fats and proteins. Biotin literally means life or sustenance that means it plays many other important roles as in keeping the skin, hair, eyes, liver and nervous system healthy. It is also found in many cosmetic products for hair and skin. It also promotes the healthy development of babies in the pregnant ladies.
The main role of biotin is the production of energy by metabolizing carbohydrates, proteins and fats. But it also has some other important roles in our body. These include:
Biotin is necessary for the functioning of many enzymes such as carboxylases. These enzymes then further play their role in the production of glucose and fatty acids.
The brittle nail condition tends to prevail in about 20 % people around the world. In this situation, the nails become brittle, weak and cracked so that easy to pull out. This condition can be benefited from the biotin consumption.
Biotin is also responsible for the strong, healthy and longer hair. Deficiency of vitamin H (biotin) can cause the hair loss.
The increased amounts of biotin are important to be consumed during the life stages of pregnancy and lactation. Biotin ensures the healthy birth of pregnant ladies. On the same side, its deficiency can cause birth defects.
Biotin has also been found to regulate the blood glucose level that’s why it is important in type 2 diabetes. The biotin supplements along with the mineral chromium are used to lower the blood glucose level in the patients of type 2 diabetes.
Biotin is also important for skin health. Its deficiency can cause the redness and rashes on the skin. Its deficiency can also cause the skin disorder seborrheic dermatitis. As fats are important for skin health so when the biotin is deficient, then there can be impairment in the fat metabolism causing the skin problems.
Biotin has also been found to play its role in the production of myelin sheath that is a protective covering of fats in the axons of neurons. When the biotin is deficient, there would be the destruction of the nerve fibers especially in brain, spinal cord and eyes leading to multiple sclerosis. This condition can be improved by taking high doses of biotin.
If you want to know more about biotin then click on this link and visit our article about importance of biotin in body:

Folic acid:
Folic acid is a form of vitamin B-9. It is a major ingredient or component of the genetic material that’s why very important for the developing fetus. It is a complex B vitamin. It has many health benefits mainly for the developing fetus e.g on the brain development. The mothers who while pregnancy take the folic acid supplements, their babies tend to develop more IQ than others that don’t. It also has its role in red blood cell production and preventing hearing loss. It also preserves the brain health of an infant. Vitamin B-9 includes both folate and folic acid. It is a pregnancy superhero.
Folic acid is too much important for each and every woman as they are going to be a mother one day.
Folic acids main benefit is its role in healthy fetal brain and spinal cord development. It tends to reduce the neural tube defects up to minimum.
It has been recommended that the girls who are in child-bearing age should take folic acid after they are more than 14 years of age.
The woman who takes the folic acid supplements for an year before conception are at the 50 percent lesser risks of premature child birth.
Moreover, by the consumption of the folate, the birth defects of brain and spinal cord e.g spina bifida and anencephaly. As the brain and spinal cord development is mostly in the first four weeks of the fetal development so folate is strictly recommended during this period of pregnancy to reduce the deformities in the child birth.
Vitamin B12 is also known as cobalamin. It is an essential vitamin that your body demands through diet as it is not produced by the human body. It is mostly present in animal foods especially in meats but can also be added to other foods as a result of fortification. The people who are vegetarians can get this vitamin from the supplemental source. It plays its role in the health of nerve tissues, proper brain function and in the production of red blood cells. Its deficiency can result in pernicious anemia in which the red blood cell production is reduced.
If you want to know more about Cobalamin, and then click on this link and visit our article about Cobalamin.
At the end in the light of above discussion we can that Vitamin B-complex are more important for human body. They have different functions.

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