Ayurvedic medicine: principles and recognition in Italy and in the world

Ayurvedic medicine: principles and recognition in Italy and in the world

The path of recognition of traditional medicine in the West proceeds asynchronously and not in all countries Ayurvedic medicine, for example, is recognized and practiced under the same safeguards. Let’s see what the situation is like in our country.

Ayurveda regulation

Ayurveda and India

Ayurveda is the ancient traditional Indian therapeutic system , whose doctrine dates back to a very distant time and its systematization took place around 2000 BC in India.


The term Ayurveda derives from the Sanskrit Veda ” knowledge ” and Ayu ” life “, understood as the “science of the knowledge of life”. Ayurveda has four fundamental purposes :

  • prevent disease,
  • cure them,
  • maintain health,
  • promote longevity.


To do this it is necessary to achieve a balance of the energies of the body and the inner ones. 


These energies derive from a variously articulated combination of the Five basic elements , identified with ether, air, fire, water and earth, which are expressed in the three principles, called Doshas , ​​which can be defined as bioenergetic expressions which, by their own structure and characteristics, govern the psycho-physiological functions of the individual. 


According to Ayurveda the individual is the unique and unrepeatable expression of the combination of these three fundamental principles or Doshas: Vata , Pitta  and Kapha , whose prevalence identifies various constitutional typologies.


Recent scientific studies show that people with a prevalence of Vata, Pitta or Kapha, have a different genetic makeup, which explains a different gene expression of the areas of metabolism, cell transport, immunity, cell cycle.


Ayurveda and health

The  eight branches into which Ayurdeva is divided make it a complete science including the whole geography of human health:

  • Toxicology (Agadatantra),
  • pediatrics (Baalatantra),
  • general surgery (Shalyatantra),
  • internal medicine (Kaayachikitsa),
  • psychiatry (Bhutavidya),
  • study of head and neck diseases (Saalaakyatantra), 
  • fertility treatment (Vaajikarana),
  • tissue rejuvenation treatment (Rasaayanatantra).


The Ayurvedic doctor shows the patient how to maintain their state of health through knowledge of themselves and their constitution and how to recover their capacity for self-healing.


But Ayurveda is above all a lifestyle  that leads to the achievement of health and psychophysical balance, which makes use of daily practices aimed at preventing diseases and aging , eliminating accumulated toxins and limiting their future. training. 


Nutrition, use of medicinal plants, external physical treatments such as massages (Abyangam) carried out with particular oils and techniques, detoxifying therapies (Panchakarma), purification techniques and Hatha Yoga Asanas are all recommended for achieving health.


For example, the daily morning hygiene routine (Dinacharya), such as cleaning the tongue with the tongue cleaner and the self-massage technique, or drinking hot water during the day are simple habits to keep the body cleansed. 


Recognition of Ayurveda in Italy and in the world

About a third of the world population is treated with Ayurveda and the World Health Organization has long recognized Ayurvedic Medicine , in fact in a recent document it invited governments to integrate traditional and unconventional medicines into national health systems, to a more comprehensive approach to the patient based primarily on prevention . 


In Italy Ayurvedic medicine has been recognized as a medical act by the Federation of Medical Orders (FNOMCeO) since 2002. However, there are still many steps to be taken to make Ayurveda usable for everyone, as is already the case in other European countries (in Germany it is practiced at the Charitè University Hospital in Berlin, in Switzerland it is recognized by the Health Insurance Funds). To this end, the Italian Scientific Society of Ayurvedic Medicine (SSIMA), a member of the permanent consensus committee on non-conventional medicines, intends to be an interlocutor with the institutions, especially in the current phase of defining the legislation on non-conventional medicines.


At the moment, to take stock of the situation, there are legislative proposals on the regulation of Ayurveda , which however have long stalled. There is therefore a lack of standardization as regards awards, licenses and certifications, a situation that allows a large number of centers, operators and schools, of a very different nature, to still operate with a fair margin of freedom in the panorama of alternative treatments. 


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