Autumn challenge for a perfect body!
It is called Perfect Body , and it is the method co-founded by Mattia Gheri, an expert in body transformation and slimming, to have a perfect body (or at least in better shape) with diet and training.
I would like to point out a useful initiative launched by this site: it is an autumn challenge, lasting 60 days , free of charge, which involves a varied and simple workout, which takes up little time and can be done safely at home, to increase metabolism. and get back in shape.
I have already downloaded the guides of the first week, and I feel I can recommend it.
Those who participate in the challenge have a downloadable training plan and a guide to the exercises carried out by Mattia himself through videos to be able to try them at home.
Unlike other similar workouts , the Perfect Body 60-day autumn challenge does not include a single type of training (for example bodyweight, tabata or HIIT) but a synergy of workouts. This saves us from boredom and allows us to also include pleasant walks or jogging, keeping us motivated.
The other plus point is that it is a gradual training in intensity .
This allows you to have results over time but to be able to train even if you have not been active for a while.
In my opinion the nutritional part is a little less good, but it is optional, and maybe it can be used as an indicative guide, but which I find too restricted from a caloric point of view.
Facendo la prova, e selezionando “tonificazione” e non dimagrimento, mi è venuto infatti il consiglio di stare sulle 1500 calorie giornaliere circa (spoiler: ne mangio oltre duemila).
Lascio a voi la facoltà di scegliere o meno anche il piano alimentare, ma già solo l’allenamento è un ottimo punto di partenza.
Molto utili infine solo gli articoli che troviamo sul sito, sia di alimentazione che di allenamento. Questi articoli sono anche presenti nella loro pagina facebook.
Ma torniamo alla sfida autunnale gratuita: vuoi partecipare? Iscriviti qui e ogni settimana avrai un piano di allenamento diverso. Non ti occupa molto tempo e ti darà sicuramente dei risultati.
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