Amethyst, properties and benefits

Amethyst, properties and benefits

Amethyst is a stone used in crystal therapy to promote relaxation and relieve pain and tension. Let’s find out better.


Amethyst is a crystal with a typical purple color, used since ancient times as a symbol of power and in crystal therapy to promote inner calm, mental clarity and intuitions.


  • Description of the Amethyst
  • Characteristics and color tones
  • History of the amethyst
  • Mythology
  • Properties of amethyst
  • Uses of amethyst in crystal therapy
  • Element
  • All the benefits of amethyst
  • How to use Amethyst
  • Chakra connected to the Amethyst


Description of the Amethyst

Amethyst is a purple stone , a crystal that belongs to the quartz family . It is therefore a violet quartz whose particular color is given by the presence of traces of iron .

Generally it should not have shades of other colors, but the color of the amethyst stone can appear uneven and have lighter and darker areas depending on how the light is reflected. Amethyst crystals

are shiny and shiny , they can have different and different cuts and shapes and should have inclusions visible to the naked eye. Amethyst can be found as a single stone or in druse , that is, in aggregations of crystals implanted on a portion of rock.

Amethyst is very popular and widely used in jewelry and not only: the use of amethyst in crystal therapy is also very widespread.

Characteristics and color tones

The color of the amethyst stone depends on the mineral composition of the crystal and in particular on the amount of iron. The color varies from light pink to dark purple and, among the characteristics of the amethyst , it is the most important to evaluate to determine its value, since the more the color of the amethyst is intense, the more precious the stone is. This rule does not apply to dark purple amethyst or black amethyst , which is not considered precious.

History of the amethyst

Amethyst is a gem with ancient origins appreciated and used in jewels for its beauty, but also for the powers that have been attributed to it throughout history. The use of this variety of quartz to make jewelry dates back to at least 3,000 BC. C, when already in Egypt and Mesopotamia she was the protagonist of jewels that symbolized power and royalty including the seal of Cleopatra.

At the time of the Greeks and Romans , amethyst was also used to make bronze rings considered antidotes to evil.

During the Middle Ages , the Amethyst was more expensive than the diamond and was sported by the nobility by kings and dukes as a symbol of absolute power since those who knew the spirit could also dominate matter.

Since, in addition to being a symbol of power, amethyst was believed to promote celibacy, this quartz also became known as a papal stone and used in the rings of cardinals and bishops.

Amethyst continues to collect a fair amount of admiration even today and is exploited both in jewelry and in crystal therapy , a discipline that attributes different properties to this gem.

Today amethyst is mined in several countries , particularly in South America and Africa and marketed all over the world.



The name “amethyst” comes from the ancient Greek amethystos and means “one who does not get drunk” and is linked to the mythological origin of this stone.

The association between amethyst and sobriety derives in fact from a legend that sees Bacchus as protagonist, Bacchus, god of wine and entertainment and known among the Greeks as Dionysus.

Bacchus used to take out his anger, in the grip of intoxication, on human beings. One day he touched a young disciple of Artemis, named Amethyst, and had her attacked by some tigers.

While Dionisio sipped a cup of wine ready to enjoy the show, Artemis, to protect the young woman, transformed her into a quartz statue.

At this point Dionisio hurls the cup of red wine at the statue transforming it into the purple quartz known as amethyst.

Hence the name of the amethyst as well as the custom of the landlord, during banquets among the ancient Romans, to drink from amethyst goblets to remain sober and be able to control the celebrations with greater clarity.

Properties of amethyst

Properties and powers have always been attributed to the amethyst . In the past, it was believed that amethyst could heal any type of disease or ailment, treat wounds, improve intelligence, ward off bad thoughts and act as a talisman against negative energies.  

Today amethyst quartz is connected to the mind and is credited with relaxing properties . The amethyst would therefore be indicated to promote meditation, awareness and introspection.

Uses of amethyst in crystal therapy

The amethyst is linked to the third eye therefore to see “beyond”. The uses of amethyst in crystal therapy promote inner calm, mental clarity and insights.

It is a stone linked to spirituality , meditation and dreams . It can be held on the  sixth chakra during meditation practice to promote introspection and awareness, detaching oneself from negative thoughts and emotions. Worn around the neck, however, amethyst can help you face and overcome difficulties with mental clarity without being overwhelmed.


Amethyst is linked to water : the water element concerns the sphere of emotions and femininity , therefore love, healing, compassion, reconciliation, peace, sleep, dreams and sensitivity.


Chakra connected to the Amethyst

Amethyst is connected to the sixth chakra Ajna (“Front or Third Eye”) and the seventh chakra Sahasrara (“Crown”)  

All the benefits of amethyst

Amethyst is a moonstone ( Yin ) that awakens in us the feminine aspect of the Universe: the higher intuition . It is the door to our supreme inner realization, it is the stone to rediscover our true Self.

It offers us inner peace , serenity , balance and harmony , eliminates restlessness, awakens patience and drives away self-centeredness. It dissolves fear and helps to face situations with more awareness. Ideal for overcoming moments of sadness and episodes of mild depression , especially related to loss or damage suffered.

Allows you to relax under stress. It calms tensions and agitated states and is useful for meditation. It relieves insomnia , removes nightmares and makes dreams clearer.

Using amethyst would increase spiritual awareness and sensitivity , leading to higher emotions. It would therefore favor introspection and faith, allowing one to see divine perfection in all things.

The relaxing action of the amethyst also has repercussions on the body and would be able to alleviate muscle tension , headaches, digestive disorders caused by stress, anxiety and agitation and pain related to anxiety.


How to use Amethyst

To obtain lasting effects on the spiritual level, it is advisable to always carry the amethyst with you in close contact with the skin. It can also be placed under the pillow or on the bedside table to promote sleep and shed light on the nature of your dreams.

You can distribute druse or amethyst fragments in the house to positively influence the mood of those who frequent it.

To enhance the benefits on a physical level , you can put a crystal overnight in a glass of water and drink it in the morning on an empty stomach in the case of nervous system or intestinal disorders or keep it in direct contact with the affected area. Periodically, the amethyst can be discharged under running water

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