Adele dimagrita: is the singer a good example?
At 23, she said she was proud of her healthy body and her unconventional beauty, but now that she is 32, British singer Adele shows that she has changed her mind . In her recent photos of her that appeared on Instagram, the weighted 45 pound Adele looks happy and proud to have lost so much weight, revealed to a fan, and in theory we would all be on her side. Because obesity is a disease, because we associate the idea of weight loss with something healthy always and in any case.
Now, let me tell you from someone who has a diet site and has been working in this field since 2009.
There is something extremely wrong with singer Adele’s choice of weight loss.
Not in being thin, but in how to have done it.
And in this article I will explain why it is not to be taken as an example.
Adele lost 45 pounds: that’s what’s wrong with her weight loss
First of all, it must be said that Adele in the first slimming phase was not followed by a dietician.
In the case of an overweight, a person can be followed only by a nutritionist.
That is, from a professional figure who generally does not have a degree in medicine.
But Adele was initially obese.
When we talk about obesity, it is necessary to consult a doctor first: this is because obesity is a disease and its consequences must first be ascertained with tests. The choice of a dietician, or a combined path (doctor and then nutritionist) is the best thing.
People who are obese automatically become a patient, not just someone who has to lose weight. Adele, on the other hand, would first have a diet that her first coach, Pete Geracimo, would follow to all her clients. She then she essentially she would have turned to a coach who is not even a nutritionist. Then to two other coaches and a hypnotherapist. Only recently she would have sought advice from a nutritionist doctor, Dr. Dominique Fradin-Read, who followed her in losing the last few pounds as we will see later.
For years, the reports of her weight loss have been misleading.
People were led to believe that Adele had lost weight with wine, dark chocolate, buckwheat and tea or with a diet called the Sirt Diet or Sirtfood which was the one sponsored by Geracimo. As I announced in the famous Sirt diet article, the authors of the diet say that you can lose 3.5 pounds per week with this regimen.
But this is not possible if the diet lasts for months .
In the case of the Sirtfood diet, of which I read the book in 2017, the diet includes days at 1000 calories with days at 1500 calories, then a phase of about 1300-1500 calories of stabilization. Be careful though.
In the book it is clearly stated that there is no need to do physical activity except in the stabilization phase, which however, as the doctors have pointed out, is really too low in calories. On TV, Adele’s latest coach, Goodis, said that the singer is following a thousand-calorie diet of salads, proteins and a vegetable smoothie.
But if Adele started the diet in 2016 why in 2020 her new coach says on TV that she still eats so little?
From one diet to another, passing through supplements.
The explanation could be in the diet change. That is, in the fact that Adele followed Sirtfood for a while, but then she turned to a nutritionist. With Sirtfood she would have lost the first few pounds, but to continue losing weight she would have gone to a French American nutritionist, Fralin-Read, who confirmed that she had followed her.
The nutritionist talked about Adele’s weight loss regimen in an interview with Us Weekly. Which is essentially carbohydrate-free. And it provides weight loss supplements.
He would have explained Adele’s new diet in words “ I make my customers imagine a dish divided into parts: salads must take up two thirds of the dish, proteins one third. Only the rest of carbohydrates “.
But two thirds plus one third make three thirds, which is the whole pot.
Another pearl of the nutritionist was saying that “diet and exercise are not enough”.
And in fact, in the paid program offered to its customers, Fralin-Read offers extracts of dry glands of bovine origin, supplements of vitamins and minerals, hormones such as Dhea and even the growth hormone GH.
Other than wine and chocolate, I repeat.
Let’s add physical activity.
If I know someone is exercising, I would never recommend a low-calorie, no-carbohydrate diet. Not even if she were a woman.
So I would never recommend the diet that Adele would have done in both the first and second phases. Adele also had three personal trainers (currently Joe Wicks, expert in high intensity training, Peter Geracimo and Camila Goodis).
If you train such a drastic diet you can’t do it. Point.
The risk of never reaching an acceptable maintenance plan is high.
A person like Adele would need to eat at least 1800-2000 calories a day in the maintenance phase if they train .
How will you get to this maintenance if you have been going on with these diets for many years?
She has put herself in a situation that would be dangerous for any person.
Finally, Adele is very young.
Thirty years is nothing. A crash diet could be fine, and mind you, I say it could and not “okay”, for a woman over 40 or over 50, totally sedentary and only in the short term, that is, for one or two months at the most, and then gradually increase the calories anyway. At twenty or thirty you don’t need to go on such a drastic diet.
Because with the passage of time the metabolism is reduced for everyone, so if you do a drastic regime at thirty, at fifty what will you feed on, celery?
That is, there is a picture of metabolic efficiency ( metabolic adaptation ) whereby the body adapts to what little you give it: at a certain point it no longer loses weight at the same rate, after 6 months the first big weight stall can occur. And to then correct this efficiency, it can take years. That is, Adele should be able to maintain the weight achieved for 1-2 years, in order not to regain it.
Considering that in the meantime the metabolism decreases physiologically, the situation worsens with the passing of age, i.e. the metabolic efficiency increases.
So no, the slim Adele in the photos, sorry to say, is not an example for anyone to follow.
She wasn’t before, but it was her business, but she isn’t even now when she becomes the involuntary spokesperson, being a public figure, of a new message: do whatever it takes to lose weight.
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