A protein diet reduces the risk of Alzheimer’s

A protein diet reduces the risk of Alzheimer’s

A diet with a slightly higher than average protein intake, i.e. up to 120 grams of protein (not protein foods: consider that 100 grams of chicken contain just over 20 grams of protein) reduces the risk of Alzheimer’s by twelve times . : this was revealed by a study that observed a sample of volunteers following their eating habits.

It was found that those who ate about 118/120 grams of protein per day, from sources such as fish, lean meats, eggs, aged cheeses and legumes, had a lower risk of developing Alzheimer’s in the future, because a slightly higher protein consumption reduces the possibility of amyloid beta forming and therefore the formation of amyloid plaques, which block communications between synapses in the brain, leading to dementias including Alzheimer’s and other cognitive decline pathologies.
The study, by the Australian School of Medical and Health Sciences, is a cohort study that aimed to investigate the role of protein and fiber in a protective diet against Alzheimer’s. Scientists found that those who ate less protein had a higher risk of developing amyloid plaques.

Given that 120 grams of protein is not the same as a high-protein diet, and that an adequate intake of fiber from fruit and vegetables or whole grains reduces inflammation and allows us to consume more protein safely, such an intake is easy to achieve. in the diet. It would be enough to eat a purely protein food with a meal, in doses of 150 grams of meat, fish, Greek yogurt, legumes, tofu, seitan and tempeh, and in doses of 50 grams if we are talking about aged cheeses (50 grams of Grana Padano provide about 17 grams of protein). The remaining proteinsthey would derive to a lesser extent from skimmed or soy milk, whole grains and products from whole grains, nuts and oil seeds, thus reaching the target quota. Proteins also maintain a good metabolism, reduce the loss of lean mass with age, and have a high satiating power, causing us to eat less sugar.

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