A method to lose weight without counting calories

A method to lose weight without counting calories

Are there any methods to lose weight without necessarily having to count calories and dose every single ingredient? This is the thing that many people who do not know how not to gain weight ask themselves, and are afraid of having to step on the scale every time: they have no idea how to combine meals, the calories of food and the right doses.
In this article I will try to simplify the principles of a healthy and balanced diet as much as possible, and to explain you a method to lose weight (plan A) or stay in weight (plan B) without counting calories and customizing your diet according to your style. of life.

First, let’s divide the foods into as many groups.
GROUP 1: fruit to be consumed in 100 gr per portion
GROUP 2: vegetables such as peppers, courgettes, tomatoes, squash, carrots, aubergines, artichokes, mushrooms, fennel, radishes, to be consumed in 200 gr portions.
GROUP 3: pasta, grains and rice cereals, cornflakes, oat flakes and muesli or cereal flour to be consumed in 60g raw weight, or natural bread, to be consumed in 80g, or potatoes, to be consumed in 250g ( raw weight)
GROUP 4: proteins, to be consumed in:
– 200 gr for lean meats, tofu, white fish or molluscs / crustaceans (veal, turkey, chicken, squid, octopus, sole, sea bream, pollock or cod, natural tuna, swordfish, tofu or tempeh) and legumes (boiled weight) or skimmed dairy products (low-fat cottage cheese, low-fat quark, 0% fat yogurt) / in 50 g for very seasoned cheeses, in 100 g for red meats, lean and defatted cured meats and fatty fish (salmon, beef, veal, mackerel) / in 2 units for eggs.
GROUP 5: fats, to be consumed in:
– 2 tablespoons of oil or 2 and a half tablespoons leveled butter / 1 tablespoon of oil + 1 tablespoon of oil seeds or oil seeds (almonds, pistachios, hazelnuts: 10 g) / 20 g of dark chocolate or two tablespoons of unsweetened cocoa + 1 tablespoon of oil / 1 tablespoon of oil + two level tablespoons of grated parmesan / 1 tablespoon of oil + 1 of oil sauce (like pesto) / 1 tablespoon of oil + 50 g of avocado or 80 of olives, 1 tablespoon of oil + 1 level spoonful of nut butter of your choice.

(Attention: generally there is a further subdivision between cheeses and other proteins, but I wanted to simplify.
If you want the classic combination, I suggest you use the healthy plate method, here) 

JOLLY: represents the foods and condiments that we can eat without quantity problems apart from personal desire. Green leafy vegetables ( chicory, chard, escarole, endive, rocket, spinach, herbs: all the others fall into group 2) and salads , vinegar, lemon juice, spices and herbs, cucumbers, celery, zero-calorie sweetener, zero calorie drinks such as coffee, tea and herbal tea, konjac shirataki.
JOLLY DUE: represents the foods that we can add in a reduced portion. A tablespoon of jam with no added sugar / 100 ml of skimmed or vegetable milk of your choice / 1 teaspoon of honey / half a glass of red or white wine (75 ml).
On page two we see how to combine the groups with each other, or the method to lose weight without counting calories.

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