Tired of counting calories? Calory does it for us.

Tired of counting calories? Calory does it for us.

It’s called Calory and it’s a very simple and intuitive application to lose weight without counting calories and with a personalized diet plan.


It involves downloading the app and installing it on your mobile phone, then entering your data, such as weight, height, age, gender, physical activity, work activity. And say what your weight goal is, that is, how many kilos we want to lose weight. Calory obviously also works for those who want to keep their weight off, for example after a diet or for those who want to gain weight.
Once we have set our goal, Calory provides a circle that fills with color as we are reaching our daily calorie quota.

The search for the foods to be inserted takes place through images, so just click on the image to make the corresponding food appear in a daily diary. This reduces the problem of having to type everything in the app.

Also Calory interfaces with Siri. So just say what we’re eating, and Siri translates our words into the right information for Calory. This makes it very easy to update the app without forgetting anything.

In short, Calory presents itself as an easier and more intuitive calorie counter app. And for those who already have Siri, it’s really handy. It’s not free, but it costs $ 3 a month, less than three euros. It is essential to have an iOS device to be able to use it. It is also available in Italian and can be downloaded here. 

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