Running to lose weight: 4 tips from the experts

Running to lose weight: 4 tips from the experts

Running is a cardiovascular activity that allows you to burn many calories in a short time. So many people choose the strategy of running to lose weight, but what should we do to have results on body fat? Here are some things you may not know.


Running allows you to burn one calorie per kilo of body weight every kilometer.
This means that a 60-pound woman running one kilometer will burn about 60 calories.

However, this value is not absolute , I’ll explain why.
Whenever we read how many calories are burned with a certain activity, we must also consider this value according to our metabolism and also our gender.
That is: if we have been on a strict diet for some time, it is likely that we will burn fewer calories by running or doing any other sporting activity, as a 2014 study explains . In other words, we speak of metabolic adaptation.
If we are women, we will still tend to burn fewer calories than if we are men. Because women are more metabolically efficient than men: this means they tend to save energy, not waste it.


This is why I strongly advise you to follow these 2 rules if you want to lose body fat by running or doing any other physical activity.

  1. Avoid crash diets .
    We choose a diet with a caloric deficit of 15 to 20% maximum of our daily caloric requirement, that is of our total metabolism, and not basal. If we eat 2000 calories and want to lose weight, we go on a 1700 calorie diet if we want to run or include a sporting activity. The last few weeks we can cut another hundred calories to lose the last few pounds.
    This allows us to avoid the risk of metabolic adaptation and maintain muscle mass.
  2. Do not rush on an empty stomach.
    We have seen in this article that the so-called “lipolytic band” is a false myth . If we do physical activity on an empty stomach, that is, for example in the morning without having breakfast, the body no longer burns calories, and it does not burn fat in the form of net lipolysis.
    It releases fatty acids for energy, but these are then “recaptured” at the first meal we will have. Furthermore, this practice risks causing a metabolic slowdown, affecting the hormones. TSH goes up and T3 production falls particularly in women who run. Two studies by Boyden (1982; 1984) first observed this phenomenon. Fasting is another stress.
    Let’s see on page two the 5 rules of the experts that will allow us to run to lose weight effectively. 

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