3 strategies to lose weight according to your metabolism

3 strategies to lose weight according to your metabolism

How to lose weight?

There are three ways to do it, indeed, in reality there is only one that can be achieved in 3 different ways. And this path is called an energy deficit. That is, we have to burn more calories than our body takes on.

Obviously we can do this with a diet or with increased physical activity or with both, but there are 3 ways to be able to create an energy deficit through nutrition. The choice of one strategy or another depends on our metabolism.

All the strategies will make you lose weight: but the one that is right for you will make you lose weight more than others.
These results are scientific and for example in this well-known study we talk about different strategies for different metabolic problems.
They apply to both men and women.


  • If you are over 15 pounds overweight, have high blood sugar and have fat around your belly.

    In this case, the best solution for you is a phased low carb diet, so that by following all the phases you will return to eating the right carbohydrates at the end of the weight loss journey. Try the Rosedale diet , the Mediterranean ketogenic diet , the Syndrome X diet , the Lazy Keto diet.
    Remember that cardiovascular and anaerobic physical activity is important. In the early stages, you prefer yoga, pilates, walking, cycling. In the transition phases, add two weekly half-hour sessions of bodyweight activity. In maintenance, do 3 days of walking for at least one hour and three days of 40-minute bodyweight activity.

  • On the other hand, if you are less than 15 kilos overweight, stable blood sugar but problems with high cholesterol, triglycerides, hypertension.

    In this case the solution for you is a high-carbohydrate, low-fat, natural-type diet such as the carbohydrate diet , the Rosati doctors rice diet , the Pritikin diet , the A2Z diet.
    These diets are also suitable if you are a menopausal woman.
    As a physical activity, you do weights at least three times a week.

  • If you have 5 pounds to lose that just doesn’t go away despite physical activity and diets.
    In this case, you should cycle fats and carbohydrates, i.e. eat more carbohydrates and less fat in some days (and work out) and in others more fats and fewer carbohydrates (when you are not exercising).
    Start with three weekly training sessions that you’ll do on the days with the most carbohydrates.
    Try the stubborn fat diet , the anti-stress diet , the pyramid diet , Heidi Powell’s turbo diet. 

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