16 things nobody tells you about fizzy drinks

16 things nobody tells you about fizzy drinks

In 2019, we all know that soda  drinks are bad for you. This is certainly not new.

But, even if this is true, nobody knows exactly the problems that the (abundant) use of soda drinks brings to our body.

In this article, therefore, we try to shed some light.

I’m not just going to tell you that fizzy (and high-sugar) sodas make you fat, but I’m also going to tell you about some things you certainly don’t know.

The abuse of these drinks is the first step towards a precarious physical condition that can also lead to very serious situations for one’s health.

Sugar, which we will discuss further, must be taken in the correct way.

But let’s go in order.

1. Soda makes you fat in the wrong places

Index Article

If we consume sugar in the form of soda it is clear that it is not that we are gaining weight with Beyoncé’s firm butt, quite the contrary. I’m not talking about that fat that makes you sexy by molding your hips. Recent studies  speak of visceral fat, that fat that collects around vital organs, such as the heart, liver, kidneys, intestines and stomach. And this type of fat is closely linked to type 2 diabetes and other inflammatory diseases. In fact, the incidence of normal soda consumption on a liver disease called fatty liver has been studied and it has an incidence of 100%. The most obvious visual sign of the presence of so-called visceral fat in the body is having a protruding belly. If you ever find yourself in this condition, I recommend that you do in-depth analyzes. A University of Texas , in its recent studies, found a correspondence between soda and an increase in the circumference of the belly in more than 70% of cases.

2. Soda doesn’t make you feel full

The sugar in soda is made up of 50% glucose and 50% fructose. However, when there are no fibers, our brain does not calculate fructose as a nourishment so we only swallow calories without feeling full. This is very dangerous because every time we drink a fizzy drink we don’t feel the sense of satiety so we add food to a food already full of sugar and excess calories. Several studies  have achieved the same result claiming that these dispersed liquid calories lead to excess weight.

3. Soda accelerates aging

With all the anti-aging products on the market, we can well imagine that people do not like to age even following the circle of life, let alone if they are happy to take a substance that accelerates aging.

All carbonated drinks, even light ones, contain phosphoric acid which gives them a spicy flavor and prolongs their shelf life over time, preserving them from bacteria and molds. Excess phosphoric acid has been linked to kidney problems, decreased bone density, osteoporosis, and muscle loss due to its interference with the absorption of calcium in the body. The latest studies  found that mice with high phosphoric acid in their bodies died 5 times earlier than mice with normal levels. In my hunt for bad sugar I also found that doing without it gives the skin an unthinkable youthful glow, try it.

4. Drinking soda brings insulin resistance

Insulin resistance is the gateway to  metabolic syndrome  which can be described as a set of risk factors (including hypertension and excess fat around the waist) associated with type 2 diabetes and heart disease. The main role of insulin is to direct glucose from the blood to the correct cells. But when you drink too many sodas, it actually bombards the body with sugar, forcing the pancreas to produce much more insulin. This leads to insulin resistance – something you really don’t want in your life.

5. Consuming soda can lead to heart disease


Heart disease is widespread and is also the number 1 cause of death worldwide. This type of problem leads to heart failure, heart attacks, strokes. And even if you pass one of these steps, it is difficult to live a normal life. The habit of drinking soda can also affect this. A study published in 2014  confirmed that those who drink fizzy drinks are 38% more likely to die of a heart attack. The American Heart Association recommends no more than six teaspoons of sugar per day for women. Just think: a can of regular soda contains 8.75 teaspoons of sugar – more than the recommended limit and it definitely won’t be the only sugar source of the day.

6. Sugary drinks increase the risk of developing type 2 diabetes


As mentioned above, the consumption of soda can lead to insulin resistance which then leads to the metabolic syndrome. Harvard  University research  associates sugary drinks with the development of type 2 diabetes.

Research has shown that drinking one or two sugary drinks a day increases the risk of type 2 diabetes by 26 percent compared to those who consume less than one sugary drink per month. Drinking just one can a day increases your risk by 15 percent. Type 2 diabetes is certainly not a disease to be taken lightly above all for its complications that affect the heart, kidneys, eyes, lower limbs.

7. Drinks containing soda and Alzheimer’s disease

Alzheimer’s has long been thought of as an inherited neurodegenerative disease that we cannot control. And if it is true that today, unfortunately, we do not have a cure, we have certainly found foods and habits that can increase the possibility of developing it. Insulin resistance is defined as  a considerable risk marker  in the development of the disease. In addition  , a Japanese study  found a crazy match between type 2 diabetes and Alzheimer’s.

8. Soda associated with severe brain disorders

The artificial sweetener aspartame found as an ingredient in many carbonated drinks is often associated with several brain disorders, including epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, and brain tumors. In fact, many epileptic patients are forbidden to drink carbonated drinks in order not to increase the risk of attacks. There have also been  several studies  on the ingestion of fizzy drinks into brain tumors. I don’t know about you but that would be enough for me to think about drinking soda already.

9. The caramel-colored dye contained causes cancer

If you are a fan of Pepsi, Coke or whatever you should stop and read this thing. The caramel brown color that is used to color your favorite soda contains two pollutants that are proven to cause cancer in animals. We are talking about 2-methylimidazole and 4-methylimidazole. The research published by PLOS ONE  spoke of clear evidence of carcinogenic activity in male and female guinea pigs. And the great thing is this coloring doesn’t change the taste, it’s just an aesthetic thing!

In 2011, California’s Proposition 65 law stated that 4-methylimidazole levels contained in sodas would require a cancer warning label on every unit sold in the state. Since then, both Coca-Cola and Pepsi have claimed to have switched to a color that does not contain 4-methylimidazole.

However, tests of Pepsi not sold in California have shown that it still contains dangerous levels of the chemical. The best thing to do? Stay away from it!

10. Sugar can be addictive

Anyone who has attended a children’s birthday party knows very well what the effects of sugar are on the body. Sugar triggers the release of dopamine which is a neurotransmitter hormone and is like cocaine, it excites you and makes you feel good. It’s like drugs, it makes you feel good for a couple of hours, then your blood sugar crashes and you need more sugar, as if you were in withdrawal.

11. Soda is bad for your teeth

The phosphoric acid contained in soda and which also leads to osteoporosis is also terrible for the teeth. This acid basically rots your teeth, the least it can do is give you tooth decay or gum disease. It’s not that this acid is not present in diet drinks, so put your mind at ease. Recent research  considers soda consumption to be worse for teeth than any drug used for a long time. Many men as well as many women have lost all their teeth due to excess soda, so it is good to think about health and also the cost of a possible implant.

12. Soda contains flame retardant agents

You know those retardants that are found in the sheets to ensure that they are not flammable as well as sofas. What you don’t know is that they are also present in soft drinks in the form of brominated vegetable oil. This chemical has been linked to alarming conditions, such as nerve disorders, memory loss, and skin lesions and is banned in Europe and Japan but not in North America.

13. The cans contain a resin which is linked to infertility

All of our soda cans contain BPA, a resin that acts as a barrier between the soda and the beverage. This resin has been linked to diabetes, reproductive cancers and infertility. Both Pepsi and Coca Cola are working on BPA free products but are still in development.

14. The side effects of genetically modified corn

Most sodas made in the United States use fructose syrup in place of brown sugar, as it is a much cheaper ingredient. We don’t know how bad fructose syrup does but we know very well that 90% of the corn produced in America is genetically modified to resist chemicals. And how badly do genetically modified products do? There is talk of cancer, infertility and damage to the digestive system, remember this.

15. Diet sodas pollute our water

We have talked about the direct damage of cans on our body but we have not yet talked about the indirect damage of the substances contained in dietary drinks that we ourselves dump into our waters, polluting them. A 2009 survey  tested sewage and water treatment plants in the United States and found them full of sucralose.

16. Soda provides zero nutritional values

In practice, no nutritional value is present in the cans of fizzy drinks, so they are practically drunk empty, without any benefit for our body. They are just empty calories.

In short, after all these 16 points I hope I have made you change your mind a bit but lastly I will give you some practical advice to stop drinking soda or thinking about it.

Cut back on cans for one week and then continue with the next.

Change your routine and your way of eating. Don’t stop at the usual fast food, go home.

Replace fizzy drinks with herbal tea, sparkling water with a squeeze of fresh lime, or a glass of milk to quench your thirst.

Talk to your colleague at work, take a short walk, waste 10 minutes for a cup of tea with friends.

Always write when you’ve drank your can so you can trace your progress like when you quit smoking. Just as you can identify the causes that lead you to drink soda, in case a stress or a reunion with friends. A very clever way of dealing with the health of your body, trust me.

And most of all, write happy, your first day soda free.

Because there will come a time when you completely forget your need for fizzy drinks and finally feel free and fit. A long process but certainly very important for you, for your health, for your body. Just think about that long list of consequences you just read, think about how much better your body can be without all that chemistry dealt with, just think about how pleasant it can be to live your life healthy, without fear of continuing to swallow harmful things. for your body.

It will be a beautiful day and we will live it together.

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