10 foods that raise your blood sugar (and that you should limit)

10 foods that raise your blood sugar (and that you should limit)

More and more people who follow a low-calorie diet to lose weight are struggling even with high blood sugar. In fact, the problem with many low-calorie diets is that there is often an abundance of foods rich in simple sugars to be able to motivate the customer with the products he usually uses (biscuits, snacks), adding even more fruit, and of course pasta, bread, rice. , but limiting proteins. Which is a big mistake, because between snacks of fruit yogurt, cookies and other products, you risk consuming more simple sugars than you should.going to prefer foods that raise blood sugar, and if you limit proteins, you reduce the sense of satiety of meals, increase their glycemic impact, increase muscle catabolism, so when we lose weight we lose more fat mass than necessary, while the current scientific research suggests increasing protein slightly if we are low-calorie.

In particular, here are the foods that raise blood sugar that should be reduced in a healthy diet. 

10 foods that raise blood sugar:
1) Breakfast cereals, flavored oats, cereal bars, biscuits and snacks, muesli. 
To understand which breakfast cereals to choose, you should look at both the ingredient list and the grams of simple sugars per hundred grams. If simple sugars exceed 10 grams per 100 grams, it means that the product is definitely sweetened. Solution: Choose whole oats, whole grain flakes that only have flakes per ingredient.
2) Dehydrated fruit: today it goes a lot, but in the labels, dehydrated blueberries and cherries have added sugar and oils for preservation. 3) Protein / bio / seed bars:

another food that is in fashion, but if you are overweight, avoid those with too high a percentage of carbohydrates (15/20 grams per bar) and choose low-carb ones (less than 5 grams of carbohydrates per bar)
4) Yogurt alla fruit: to be avoided. Take the natural alternative, and sweeten it with a zero-calorie sweetener.
5) Fruit smoothies and centrifuged: the transformation of fibers or their elimination increases the glycemic load of these smoothies, even when you make them at home. Better to put more vegetables (eighty percent) and only a piece of fruit, avoiding milk. You can add almonds.
6) Ready-made tea:ready-made teas you find in the supermarket, such as fruit juices, have a high sugar content. Make your own tea and sweeten it with Stevia. Also pay attention to light juices with few calories: check the labels.
7) Sauces, ready-made gravies, canned legumes, salad dressings: always check that there is no added sugar in the ingredients list. Even legumes can hold you some surprises.
8) Bottled Vegetable Smoothie: Now in many supermarkets and even gas stations we find vegetable and citrus smoothies. Watch out for labels: they often contain sugars.
9) Gummy vitamins:These mini gummy jellies are very successful as they work as supplements of vitamins and minerals. But they also have sugar. Look at the list of ingredients.
10) Vegetable Chips: They seem like a healthy alternative to French fries, but often they’re not. Sweet potato chips, beets, carrots, are a food with a high glycemic index. In addition, in the labels we can find sugar and salt among the additives.

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