Zero Belly, diet to eliminate the belly in 2 weeks

Zero Belly, diet to eliminate the belly in 2 weeks

diet of only two weeks to eliminate the belly that afflicts us. Here is the weight loss program by David Zinczenko, editor-in-chief of Men’s Health and star of nutrition and fitness, who has developed a diet whose name says it all, namely the ZERO BELLY diet . Which means zero belly.

In 14 days, David ensures that he will be able to get rid of the belly and lose 5 kg of fat mass and bloating.
With a past as an overweight boy, the author explains that he has exploited the latest discoveries in the field of nutrition to develop a weight loss regime capable of reversing our genetic and biological tendency to gain weight. And turn us into naturally thin people in just 14 days.


Unlike other diets, the Zero Belly Diet was tested by a group of volunteers who were unpaid for participating in the experiment. Like the people who followed the diet, also in the experiment the volunteers lost weight mainly on the belly.

The Zero Belly diet has no calorie limits, as its inventor says: in short, it would seem the ideal diet.

The secret of the diet is to control insulin, which is associated with overweight according to recent studies.
It consists of a smoothie, a kind of smoothie, three main meals and a snack, so you don’t go hungry.
The first week is the shock one, though, and consists of three smoothies and a vegetable cream.
Those who do not like smoothies can make mini-meals with the ingredients of the smoothies for the first 7 days, or alternate. 

There are exercises to do, especially those that ensure you get the best results in a short time. At the end of the article you will find two example links. Let’s see the menu on page two.

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