Yerba mate or yerba mate: because it does NOT make you lose weight

Yerba mate or yerba mate: because it does NOT make you lose weight

Yerba mate, what is it?
You have often heard of mate, mate or yerba mate to combat extra pounds. In his famous show, Dr. Oz included it as one of three teas capable of losing weight (the others are white tea and oolong). And there are many mate-based supplements out there that tell you about effective weight loss.


In fact, products based on yerba mate (or tea) do not make you lose weight.
Yerba mate has an action that could however promote weight loss: that is, it takes away hunger. Acting on a par with many other nerve substances, such as coffee. Can Mate Supplements Be Aid to Weight Loss? Yes, just like caffeine-based supplements, supplements based on this South American infusion can help you in your slimming diet, acting as an energizer, invigorating, and reducing the stimulus of hunger without making you feel the typical fatigue of slimming diets.

So let’s see how we can use yerba mate to lose weight and what are the advantages and disadvantages of its use.

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