If any of you think that today social networks, in addition to occupying a huge space of our daily life, are becoming more and more ( Facebook , Twitter , Instagram , Snapchat and others …) there are those who do not think the same way.
The co-founder of Wikipedia Jimmy Wales , who is obviously tired of the most common social networks in circulation, has decided to create his own social network and try to challenge the biggest giants in the world. The main difference that his service will propose will be to focus on the quality and transparency of the contents . According to him, in fact, the current model that we all know often leads to rather unpleasant situations: “The business model of companies in the social media world, based on pure advertising, is problematic. […] In the end, the real winners are the low quality content ”. These are the words released to the Financial Times. From this premise WT: Social was born, a social network based on the sharing of articles.
But that is not all. Another difference that the service offers is the fact that it is entirely financed through user donations and not through intrusive advertisements. Finally, each news that can be scrolled through the “bulletin board” will be published and sorted based solely and exclusively on the release date, without any distinction between the most popular announcements or other. Wales then stated:
“We will create an environment where people who misbehave are ‘removed’ because it is right, not because they suddenly weigh on our profits.”
It is currently possible to join a waitlist and donate or invite friends to be a part of WT: Social . For any other information here is the official website .
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