Which rhodiola to buy to treat my symptoms?

Which rhodiola to buy to treat my symptoms?

Good evening, I would like to start congratulating you on the very interesting site! I read this article on Alessandra Romeo’s Rhodiola Rosea: http://www.cure-naturali.it/rhodiola/2227. I think it would be the natural remedy for me, I have searched the internet and there are various manufacturers. Could you recommend one, natural point, anastore or someone else? One that is suitable for all the symptoms I read on the article. Thank you very much for your attention, Ivan

Health Answers

Grieco Rosa
Hi Ivan, I would like to know exactly what problems you would like to use it for, however I usually use the Natural Point and I am quite happy, there are many producers but I try to keep the ones I know well by evaluating quality / price. Happy Holidays. r.grieco53@gmail.com

Cinzia zedda - balances studio
Hello Ivan, what makes a product “good” compared to a high one is the concentration of the active ingredient which must also be adapted to the personal characteristics of the individual and the intended use. best regards Cinzia Zedda naturopath – iridology – web writer

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