WhatsApp for Apple Watch: all the news

WhatsApp for Apple Watch: all the news

With WhatsApp on Apple Watch, all the potential of instant messaging moves to your “fingertips”. A revolution? Real-time notifications, the ability to respond to audio notes without using the phone, voice calls and reading notifications on the wrist.Too bad that WhatsApp Messenger is still not officially available for Apple Watch. In reality, something is starting to show (but it is not clear if it is a coincidence or a choice of the company that manages WhatsApp).

whatsapp apple whatch

Why is there no version of WhatsApp for Apple Watch ? The reason is simple. The new Apple Smart Watch is still too new and knowing the times of the developers of WhatsApp (not really the “hares”) we should not be surprised a couple of months will pass before being able to send messages with WhatsApp directly from the small screen of the clock. Estimated date, therefore, August 2015 . With possible postponement to September. We will update this article as soon as the first news is known.

Meanwhile, WhatsApp technicians are already at work trying to bring all WhatsApp functions to iWatch and give users a complete, if not improved, instant messaging experience.

The only certainty, at the moment, is that the first official version will allow users to read notifications and send and receive sms. However, it is doubtful whether we will be able to immediately take advantage of the ability to make and receive voice calls , the function that will probably receive the most benefit from the upgrade for Apple Watch, which provides a nice boost to the “vocal” side of all the apps that they will be “hosted”.


WhatsApp on Apple Watch: here’s how it could be

In support of the imagination, and waiting for the first official news, comes a concept of the WhatsApp watch version published on Dribbble by Alberto Paroni. A job well done, which reveals how the WhatsApp application could look on the new Apple Watch. Here is the animated image:

whatsapp on apple watch concept

As you may have noticed, the prototype simulates the selection of a contact to initiate a voice call. A reports that even for Paroni, as anticipated in this post, the true potential of WhatsApp for Apple Watch is in the function of voice calls . The SmartWatch screen is somewhat awkward for texting, but perfect for calling without having your hands busy.


Something begins to show …

In the first lines of this post it was stated that “something is starting to show itself”. Let’s clarify this statement. Searching in English on the subject came up with this question posed by a user on the official forum for Apple products:

“ So: WhatsApp doesn’t work on Apple Watch. I am surprised: Sometimes my iWatch shows me a WhatsApp message for a short time. I can’t do anything with this message until I get laid. Anyone know why? I can not understand. “(Our translation)

The point is that Apple’s iWatch only works when paired and synced with an iPhone . You need the phone, with which notifications are synchronized in the first place. As with other apps, WhatsApp is also able to send notifications to the watch and the latter is able to display it on its 1.5-inch screen . The user’s doubts on the official forum (who signs himself iPhone 6, to perhaps show the type of phone on which he noticed the strangeness) arise because he cannot interact with the notification, but this will only be possible when an official update is released .

Waiting for news , therefore – which we will show you by updating this article in relation to all the information on the subject – we leave ourselves with a suggestion : let’s think for a moment about how the way to send WhatsApp images will change. Let’s think about the classic good morning images . If the recipient uses an Apple Watch, they will see the image fill the screen of their phone with a much more “immersive” effect than what can be had on a smartphone screen.

Only one question remains : WhatsApp will insert an icon that will allow you to understand if those who receive the messages only use a phone or even a smart watch? This is not yet talked about, but it seems an almost indispensable function …

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