What the most famous actresses in Hollywood eat

What the most famous actresses in Hollywood eat

What do Hollywood’s hottest actresses eat? Those superpaid ones that we see in photos wearing splendid clothes, perhaps walking on the red carpet? The ones that seem amazing to us in the movies? Oh, I don’t know about you, but it often intrigues me. Perhaps because I write about diets, perhaps because I often hear about what actresses eat and I read cooked and raw (and alas, sometimes it is), perhaps because they seem more human in their diet, the fact is that curiosity always comes to me, while their love life, how much they earn or if they are happy or unhappy … I don’t know, it’s something that interests me little. And so today I went on a hunt for interviews where the actresses reveal what exactly they eat. And here is the result.


JULIA ROBERTS: hearty breakfast with sourdough toast with sourdough, avocado, two eggs, coffee and fruit. Light lunch (the classic salad) and protein dinner with fish or meat, a little brown rice and vegetables, plus a glass of wine. Weaknesses? A cookie every now and then. And a plate of pasta.
EMMA STONE: Stone (actress from La-la-land) doesn’t really concern us. She doesn’t do gymnastics and eats a lot, probably being very thin she has a really fast metabolism. She mixes everything. Japanese, Chinese, ice cream, milkshake, American fast food. In practice, more than eating aspires.
ANGELINA JOLIE:another case not to be taken as an example. You may have seen how over the years Jolie has significantly lost weight, but she never makes any statements about how much and what she eats. Her collaborators reported this: 600 calories a day, essentially protein. Only for breakfast she eats something different: a teaspoon of coconut oil and a handful of puffed quinoa. Then a protein shake for lunch and a piece of meat with salad for dinner. Stop.
EMMA WATSON: Watson is obsessed with health and super healthy food. Olive oil, vegetables and fruit, whole grains, legumes. But she has a weak secret to Nutella and Mexican food.
JENNIFER LAWRENCE: Her diet is basically pizza. Chips. And some corn snacks. See Emma Stone.
NAOMI WATTS:strict diet and lots of exercise. But only when he has to get ready for a public outing … Otherwise he reveals that she loves to eat, and that she prefers to go on a lightning-fast calorie diet every now and then to balance out the excesses. Good but not great.
REESE WINTHERSPOON: He gets regular exercise, but is a lover of fried chicken, ice cream and fruit. He loves to snack a lot a day and has a penchant for smoothies. However, he avoids alcohol. Vote six.
KATE HUDSON: Hudson is notoriously a health fan, maybe too much. She fanatic of the alkaline diet, she avoids animal proteins, salt, sugar, sugary fruit, fried foods, sweets, flours, bread, etc. etc. etc. She regularly checks her urine to make sure she is doing everything right. Happy her.

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