After yesterday’s announcement about the price of PlayStation VR (€ 399 and $ 399 in the US) which is the least expensive headset so far, many are …

After yesterday’s announcement about the price of PlayStation VR (€ 399 and $ 399 in the US) which is the least expensive headset so far, many have wondered what you think and how the “competition” will react. Obviously, the interview with the creator of Oculus Rift, the young genius Palmer Luckey , could not miss , who in an interview with  Gamespot  expressed his opinion on the price of the Sony device:

“I know how much this technology costs. We are building a headset, we are trying to sell it at the lowest possible price. We have very high quality components, things we made ourselves and we have a lot of really cool elements in our headset. We also have multiple LED screens instead of just one but the Oculus Rift priced at $ 599 isn’t that far off. The price also includes a controller, a command and a couple of games. If someone doesn’t have them, he has to buy Sony’s camera and controller as well.

PlayStation VR one unit

“They have offered a lower price but I think it is absolutely fair and they have done a good job of keeping costs down. Clearly that was the priority ”. Luckey then went on to point out that the Sony headset market and the Oculus Rift market are “almost completely different” and therefore there is no direct competition. Obviously, in fact, PlayStation VR only points to the Sony console market, while Oculus has a much wider target . Sony ‘s Adam Boyes also spoke on the subject :

“We didn’t look at the competition and this also applies to the price. It was not decided based on that of the other viewers. Obviously we have to earn from the sale of a unit but we have been in the industry for a long time and therefore our experience in finding the highest quality parts has played a fundamental role. Since the days of PS4, every device we sell has generated profits ”.


PlayStation VR playroom VR Shawn Layden

What do you think of the declarations of the two fronts? Let us know with a comment and stay tuned to Game Legends to not miss any news on the world of video games!

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