What are the benefits of a low glycemic index diet?
After having had the opportunity to confront readers who were alarmed about the consequences of a high glycemic index diet, I am forced to write this article on the low glycemic index diet. I would like to underline the cases in which it is advantageous and the cases in which it is absolutely useless to be too fiscal.
A low glycemic index diet is suitable for all those people who eat in a disorderly way, but end up not getting full and eating more than normal.
Knowing that white bread, rice cakes and packaged biscuits, snacks and sweets are not the best to satiate while whole foods and natural foods satiate much longer is obviously useful for keeping weight under control and for making more frugal, that is simple meals. .
A low glycemic index diet is also suitable for all those people who do not have good insulin sensitivity.
Precisely because most foods are foods with a higher fiber content.
At the same time, a high glycemic index diet may not cause diabetes or insulin resistance.
It all depends on the type of high glycemic index foods we consume, that is, their quality.
If they are high in simple sugars as in most industrial products, eating a low glycemic index diet clearly leads to reducing the total amount of high-calorie and high-sugar foods at the same time. -
A low glycemic index diet is suitable for those with hypoglycemia.
In this case, acting on how blood glucose and insulin rise in the postprandial period has been found to be a significant discriminant for hypoglycemic patients and for those who in general must avoid drastic insulin drops.
Let’s see how to behave in practical terms
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