Weight Watchers’ spicy slimming soup

Weight Watchers’ spicy slimming soup

Yet another research focuses on capsaicin for weight loss: it is a substance found in hot pepper, and which has a particular property that everyone knows on a practical level. It makes you feel hot, that is, it raises your body temperature. This thermogenic effect causes you to burn more calories after meals, which is why it is recommended to eat spicy often. But how many extra calories? Scientists from Arizona State University say 120 extra calories a day (damn!) , Experimenting on 40 volunteer students the effect on the metabolism of chilli, and finding a difference of 120 more calories burned, in fact.
But how do you combine this news with your everyday diet? Aside from putting chili everywhere! 🙂

No, seriously. Today I describe a perfect recipe to try the virtues of chili, and fantastic for losing weight: it is one of the most popular slimming soups of Weight Watchers, a healthy “chili” that the doctors of the WW program recommend to their subscribers.
The calories in this slimming soup are 273 per serving (with 17 grams of protein, 35.6 of carbohydrates and 8.7 of fat) and the soup serves as a balanced meal. At the end of the meal we can eat a small sour fruit of 100 g (a mandarin, a kiwi) or two cubes of dark chocolate (10 g) or two walnuts (recommended options) and drink a herbal tea with fennel seeds. All for 330 calories in total. A perfect mini-meal and above all fat burner!

Doses for one person, it is convenient to double them to cook at least a double portion.

50 gr of turkey breast or chicken in chunks or minced
a clove of onion
a tip of a teaspoon of hot pepper + paprika a sprinkle
a teaspoon of olive oil
100 gr of pumpkin (raw weight for everything)
100 gr of red pepper
100 gr of celery
170 gr of tomatoes for sauce into small pieces
half a cup of meat broth (about 130 grams)
a pinch of salt
80 gr of black or red beans (but the pinto beans are fine too) already boiled.

In a bowl, sauté the meat with the chopped onion in the oil. Separately, in a blender chop all the vegetables (pepper, pumpkin and celery), then add them to the mixture in the pan along with the broth, tomatoes and beans. Finally add the chilli and paprika, and add salt, bring to a light boil and cook over very low heat for about 20 minutes. You can add parsley or fresh coriander raw at the end of preparation.
To eat hot!

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