We discover the sixth chakra: Ajna

We discover the sixth chakra: Ajna

“I see”: Ajna is the sixth chakra, the center of intuition and creative imagination. Its excessive or insufficient functioning causes headaches, vision and neurological problems, insomnia, self-exaltation, materialism and psychoemotional disorders

We discover the sixth chakra: Ajna

Color and shape of the Ajna chakra

The colors associated with Ajna are indigo and purple. The sixth chakra is located in the area between the eyebrows, in the front of the head, and behind the forehead, in that back.
The corresponding organs are: the eyes, the pituitary or pituitary gland, the hormonal system and the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord).

The corresponding sense is the sixth sense .

Meaning of the chakra

Ajna in Sanskrit means “to perceive” .

The main functions of the sixth chakra are vision , intuition , creative imagination and clarity .

The associated keyword is I SEE .

Ajna is related to the spirit and energy of light and encompasses the ability to overcome one’s ego and tune into one’s higher self . The sixth chakra exercises control of consciousness and is the center of processing sensory perceptions into coherent mental images and understanding the subtle energies that connect the etheric with the physical.
Ajna is the seat of the third eye , which arises from the fusion of the two separate visions of the physical eyes and can see beyond the veil of form and appearance: it allows us to “look without looking”, to broaden our horizons, to develop concentration andintuition , to create and project harmonic images thanks to an inner harmonic vision.

With the Ajna energy we are more aware of ourselves, we see reality clearly for what it is, without the conditioning of the projection of our desires and needs, of perceiving that everything is here and now, as it should be, perfect in this instant. Seeing with clear eyes means seeing beyond the contents of consciousness, beyond the karmic storehouse of thoughts, words and actions reworked by the mind into personal ideas, judgments and opinions. 

When the observer no longer gets confused with the observed object, then he is able to change the way of observation and the object itself and, if he acts in harmony with the fourth chakra, that of the heart, to release his creative energy. and healer. If the sixth chakra is balanced and open, the mind is active, one is master of oneself , overcoming material attachments and the fear of death, purifying the six senses and expanding extrasensory perceptions. 

Do you also want to know the names and characteristics of the other chakras?

The 7 main chakras

Unbalance of the chakra

The disharmonious functioning of Ajna can lead to headaches, vision and neurological problems, fatigue, insomnia, discomfort and psychoemotional disorders.

If there is an excessive functioning of this chakra, on a physical level the most frequent consequence is the “heaviness of the head”.
On the psychological level, on the other hand, the individual manifests an accentuation of the intellectual faculties with respect to all the other levels of existence, impatience, selfishness, self-exaltation, ambition for power and lack of responsibility. The analysis is objective and penetrating, but dominates the arrogance and contempt of others, or the mental work is so exasperated that it exiles from the world and causes hypersensitivity, difficulty in relating to others, inattention, confusion between reality and imagination, hallucinations , nightmares.

If, on the other hand, there is insufficient functioning , visual problems, hypoactivity (depression, apathy, mistrust, chronic fatigue) or mental hyperactivity (nervousness, insomnia, poor perception of the sensations of the body and emotions of the heart) may be found on the physical level . .

On the psychological side, on the other hand, the individual manifests poor memory, excessive worries and fears, rigidity, materialism, a feeling of uselessness: this is the case of scientists attached to their principles and to everything that is directly perceptible with the physical senses, measurable and controllable.

Even those who have found obstacles in the expression of their sensitivity (for example due to a rigid upbringing) will come to no longer feel anything, to have difficulty dreaming and to perceive a future for themselves, above all to be convinced that they do not have the right to see the truth, with the consequent rejection of all that is immaterial or spiritual, while it will tend to live in illusions and in fictitious worlds where you can feel good.

How to rebalance Ajna

To rebalance the sixth chakra , the simplest solution is to carry out a meditation lying on the ground and eyes closed, arms and leg spread like a star, placing the crystals directly on the third eye. Rock crystals can be used to enhance the effect of the stones, holding them in the hand or arranging them in a circle around the body, with the tips pointing towards the center. Drain and rinse the stones under cold water after use.

The stones related to the sixth chakra are: amethyst ,  fluorite , labradorite, lapis lazuli, moldavite, opal, sodalite, sapphire, zircon.

There are also sounds associated with the chakras that can also be used as an accompaniment for meditation and / or to perform a very delicate and circular massage in a clockwise direction (in the center of the forehead) with 20 ml of sesame oil and a few drops of specific essential oils for the sixth chakra.

Essential oils related to the sixth chakra are:

  • angelica essential oil ,
  • anise essential oil ,
  • essential oil of helichrysum ,
  • sage essential oil .

Chromotherapy , Ayurvedic massage (in particular the Keralian pranic) and some yoga or tai chi chuan techniques are also excellent .

Finally, there are specific exercises to bring the chakras back into balance; these are movements codified in ancient times known as the 5 Tibetans, intrinsically linked to the doctrine of the chakras.

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