Volunteers are sought for the natural diet pill

Volunteers are sought for the natural diet pill

The British researchers who came up with it call it the “fat pill” and it looks similar to a fish oil pill. It will be on the market within five years from now, when the trials on obese people on which the green light has been given end.

Scientists at Queen Mary University of London have in fact developed a slimming pill that can increase the sense of satiety by allowing hormones such as insulin to act first on hunger. The result is that already at the beginning of the meal you feel full and you no longer want to eat a lot.

But what does the diet pill contain that fights appetite in a natural way?
It is a mix of oils of natural origin, therefore it is not a drug, and it has nothing synthetic. Volunteers are taking a pill before each meal.
The big advantage would be not only the 100% natural origin of the slimming pill, therefore its safety, but also the fact that it is a very cheap product, which however could work more than bariatric surgery. And without the contraindications of a restrictive diet.

The trials of this research on overweight people, which will be followed by those on obese and severely obese people, are still open for those who live in London and want to participate in the trial.

The requirements are being of majority age, the absence of diseases such as type 2 diabetes, and being overweight. Those who want to participate can write (in English) to this address: trials@bowelcancerresearch.org , by March 2019, with their data and contact details.

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