Vitamin D deficiency, hand cramps and tremors
Good evening, this morning I took my blood tests and I discovered that I have a rather serious deficiency of vitamin D: the value is 7.5. I have been suffering from severe cramps in the upper limbs with tremor in the hands for some time, can this symptom be due to the low vitamin D value? And how can I remedy this? Thank you.
Health Answers
it is possible that this deficiency can cause tremors, sun exposure remedies, introduce foods rich in vitamin D, such as fish products, take supplements based on cod liver oil
Hello, Vitamin D deficiency can be successfully treated by addressing the cause that led to this deficiency. However, a good and controlled administration of vitamin D3 associated with daily sun exposure (twenty minutes in the sun a day is sufficient), without protection (shielding) even just exposing the hands or feet or the face is essential to fix vitamin D in the bones . The integration of magnesium and silicon make them necessary. The first helps the assimilation of calcium and the second makes bones stronger and stronger. Nutrition must be personalized by trying to understand wrong attitudes must be corrected. AND’
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