Vitamin B for dogs: how to integrate it into your diet?

Vitamin B for dogs: how to integrate it into your diet?

Our dog may need group B vitamins in some stages of his life, such as during pregnancy or old age, but also in seasonal changes or if he practices sports, such as agility or is a rescue dog.

Vitamin B for dogs: how to integrate it into your diet?

If you are lucky enough to share your home with a four-legged friend, surely you will have had to worry about his health or well-being, because you have noticed on some occasion that something was not going the right way.

My dog ​​is a nice Bernese Mountain Dog, a lively and crafty teddy bear, but like all animals he does not communicate with words and when he is not well he makes himself understood, but he cannot tell me exactly what is wrong.

And it is precisely in these circumstances that a channel of alternative frequencies must be opened to interact in a more empathic way.

I don’t know if it happens to yours too, but when my dog ​​is not feeling well, he isolates himself, he doesn’t eat, he doesn’t play, he waits to be cuddled and hugged and on that occasion he starts “talking with his eyes”.

And there we must be the ones to interpret and liaise with the veterinarian , reporting as many symptoms as possible.


The nutrition of our dogs

Even with our dog we must first of all work in the field of prevention , to ensure the greatest possible well-being.

Proper and balanced nutrition is the first tool at our disposal : it is important to feed the dog in a targeted manner, with specific foods, not the leftovers from our table and not even home-cooked lunches , especially for large dogs with bone development. and fast and heavy muscle.

On the market there is really everything, of excellent and poor quality and not always “those who spend more spend less”, as they say, because a few years ago an investigation emerged on some “branded” feeds that contained substances carcinogenic. So let’s document ourselves carefully and choose safe certified food brands.

We then learn to differentiate summer food from winter : our dogs change their hair seasonally , and have different thermoregulation needs in winter and summer: high-protein foods in summer can be excessive, we realize if our friend’s coat becomes reddish and if the liveliness is excessively sedated.

In a young and healthy adult subject, nutrition with balanced feeds is sufficient : they are usually rich in all the nutrients they need. We verify that they contain not only meat or fish but also cereals, potatoes, carrots, vitamins, calcium, and zinc.

For those who are convinced that it is healthier to cook their dog’s meal at home, it is important to use supplements for animal use . They are found in specialized stores and generally come in the form of powders to be mixed with meals: rich in B vitamins , vitamin D, calcium, amino acids.

It is important to stick to the recommended daily dosages related to the dog’s weight. In any case, I recommend avoiding this solution in the development phase of the dog , because bones and muscles need correct supplies.

Years ago I owned a Newfoundland and as a young “Taliban” naturopath I was convinced that the puppy would be better with a home diet, made up of fresh foods, rich in vegetables, carbohydrates and proteins cooked with my hands: result in the sixth month the beast it had slightly crooked forelegs. The vet scolded me and prescribed a calcium-rich food to supplement with capsules to promote bone density with which we corrected our posture !!!!


Vitamin B supplements for our dogs

We can make an exception to the rule and integrate an important group of vitamins to safeguard the well-being of our dog. Group B can help us at certain moments in the life of our four-legged friend . Criticalities can occur:

  • in summer, when fatigue and loss of appetite take over due to the heat,
  • in pregnancy and breastfeeding, when the hairy mother needs extra help to cope with gestation and breastfeeding,
  • at the first symptoms of aging , when our friend begins to slow down, sleep a lot, and get tired easily,
  • if our dog is a sportsman and is involved in water rescue or is dedicated to agility.

We can integrate the B vitamin through capsules specially formulated for dogs and cats, with a weight-calibrated dosage, or add foods containing these important nutrients to their feed , such as beef liver, chicken, salmon, tuna, eggs, nuts, yeast, potatoes, pork.


What are the B vitamins for our dogs

What functions do the B vitamins have on the body of our four-legged friend?

  • Thiamine or vitamin B1 : it is interested in the metabolism of carbohydrates, in the metabolic transformation of food into energy. In case of vitamin B1 deficiency we can witness weight loss, weakness, inappetence up to anorexia, hypothermia
  • Riboflavin or vitamin B2 : essential for cell development, for muscle and mucous membrane formation of our friend. In case of deficiency, forms of inflammation in the mouth, eyes , growth difficulties may occur.
  • Niacin or vitamin B3 : supports the dog in case of hyperactivity, sports performance, counteracts fatigue. In case of vitamin B3 deficiency, episodes of excessive fatigue can occur.
  • Pantothenic acid or vitamin B5 : useful for obtaining the correct energy intake from food and for promoting mental prowess. In case of vitamin B5 deficiency, episodes of nervousness, sleep disturbances, instability may occur.
  • Pyridoxine or vitamin B6 : it is useful for the synthesis of serotonin, hemoglobin, and globulins. Deficiency of this vitamin is very rare and leads to loss of appetite, fatigue, diarrhea .
  • Folic acid or vitamin B9 : essential for blood formation, for the immune system, and the formation of amino acid chains.
  • Cyanocobalamin or vitamin B12 : participates in the formation of red blood cells, supports the functions of the Central Nervous System, counteracts fatigue. Again it is rare to see vitamin B12 deficiency in dogs. It can possibly happen if a vegetarian diet has been adopted, but we hope that this does not happen with our pets.

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