Vegan coconut nutella with only 3 ingredients
This vegan coconut nutella is a quick and tasty recipe that is obtained with only 3 ingredients: easy to make and sure to succeed, it has fewer calories, sugars and fats than normal nutella, but also a hazelnut cream. Only 110 calories per serving for this healthy alternative, rich in good medium-chain fat and monounsaturated cocoa, antioxidant, lactose-free. Let’s look at the recipe, taken from the Nest and Glow website .
Easy recipe with only 3 ingredients
For 8 servings (about 330 gr of final product. One serving is equivalent to two full spoons or 40 gr)
1 package in a jar of coconut milk at least 60% without thickeners or additional water, such as Rapunzel (250 ml) or Aroy-D
4 tablespoons of unsweetened cocoa (40 g)
4 tablespoons of coconut or cane palm sugar or honey (40 g)
vanilla flavoring (optional)
Procedure: In a blender, blend all the ingredients for one or two minutes, otherwise mix them with a simple hand whisk in a bowl, with a vigorous movement. Pour the liquid into a 350 ml jar and put it in the fridge for 3-4 hours, then serve.
It can be spread on rye or wholemeal bread or slices of fruit and can be kept in the fridge for up to 5-6 days (if it gets there!).
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