Vegan chocolate cream: a custard without eggs

Vegan chocolate cream: a custard without eggs

This vegan chocolate cream of which I give you the recipe today is delicious , it has only 3 ingredients, but we can customize it with the spices and flavors we prefer, it is perfect for filling cakes, crepes, croissants, or spread on toast. In addition to being very good, and of a consistency that is very similar to traditional custard (those who taste it not only will not notice the difference, but will not be able to understand what the ingredients are, guaranteed!), It is extremely simple to make, it has a low glycemic impact, does not contain added sugars, is rich in vitamin A and 100% natural. Are you curious?
Here is the vegan chocolate cream recipe that will amaze your guests. 

For 2 servings (two cups): 157 calories per serving
200 grams of orange sweet potatoes
25 grams of bitter cocoa a
little water
a level teaspoon of stevia or other sweetener
a teaspoon of coconut oil
aromas of your choice or grated lemon zest

Peel the sweet potatoes and boil 200 g of chopped pulp in a saucepan. Drain them, put them in a blender with cocoa, stevia, any flavorings (vanilla, rum, lemon, etc.) or lemon zest, and blend in a mixer. Add a little water until the cream has reached the desired consistency: usually two or three coffee cups are enough. Finish with the teaspoon of coconut oil and blend for a few more seconds. And voila. Your vegan chocolate cream is ready! You can keep it in the fridge covered with cling film and when ready to serve it decorate it as you like: coconut flakes, blueberries, walnuts or pumpkin seeds, dark chocolate flakes. The dose is for two cups, while to fill a cake you will need about a double dose.
Nutritional values ​​per cup: 157 calories, of which 5 of fat, 21 of total carbohydrates and 3 of fiber, 4 grams of protein.

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