Varicocele, symptoms and causes

Varicocele, symptoms and causes

Male genital varices can have serious health consequences and can be prevented. Let’s see what are the main causes and symptoms.

Varicocele, symptoms and causes

Varicocele: what it is and symptoms

Varices are superficial veins which, due to insufficient elasticity of the walls , can dilate or shrink, altering the normal blood flow of nourishment to the body districts and / or venous return.

Varicocele is a particular type of varice that affects the veins that carry blood from the testicles to the heart, causing venous stagnation in the testicles.

Varicocele is often asymptomatic , and is diagnosed following fertility investigations: infertility is in fact one of the consequences of varicocele. In some cases, however, the symptoms are present and annoying, such as:

> testicular pain;
> testicular swelling;
> pain when urinating.

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Varicocele: the causes

The main causes that can cause varicocele are:

> in the case of idiopathic varicocele the cause is a malfunction of the valves that control the flow of blood: the valves allow venous return from the periphery to the center, so when they have problems functioning regularly, the blood can stagnate at the periphery, without flowing correctly towards the heart, creating a swelling of the veins themselves;

> in the case of secondary varicocele , the cause is external compression, due to cellular or other masses, which crush the vein and alternate its normal blood transport function.

The reasons why the valves and the walls of the veins have a reduced functionality are to be found, with the exception of cases of congenital venous insufficiency, in the sedentary lifestyle , with unbalanced diet , lack of movement, excess of pollutants such as smoke  and alcohol , over-medication and overweight.

Basically the varicocele has the same genesis and the same course of the varices that can affect the lower limbs.

Clothing that is too tight and compresses the scrotum area , excess abdominal fat and obesity, even mild, sedentary lifestyle with lack of adequate aerobic physical activity capable of activating circulation and disposing of excess calories, a diet rich in fats , sugars , processed and refined products, cheeses, meat, which leads to thickening of the vascular walls, lack of fiber and flavonoids in the diet, constipation and intestinal dysbiosis, lymphatic and fluid stagnation, are all contributing causes that can cause varicocele problems.

In some cases, varicocele can occur following trauma in the pelvic part, even after some time: even when the pain of the trauma and contusion has disappeared, it is possible that the circulation has been compromised.

The diagnosis of varicocele is carried out by careful and specific medical supervision, if neglected it can lead to infertility and testicular atrophy.

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