Iaso tea, the new slimming tea

Iaso tea, the new slimming tea

It is called Iaso , and it is a tea that is also becoming popular in Italy, thanks to its combination of ingredients that promote weight loss and the disposal of excess toxins, improving intestinal regularity.

Iaso slimming tea is in fact a blend that works as intestinal cleansing , that is it helps to free the colon from excess waste, and is particularly suitable for those who have problems with constipation, abdominal bloating, and have the feeling of not getting rid of everything when it goes. in the bathroom.
Associated with a few dietary precautions, Iaso tea guarantees faster weight loss than with diet alone.

In fact, it has a slight laxative and diuretic effect , so much so that it makes you lose about two kilos in the first week of treatment.
The product, conceived by Total Life Changes , should not be taken except for two weeks, maximum one month, the time to regularize and detoxify the intestine.
Ideal especially during the change of seasons, Iaso tea is a blend of herbs, fruit and spices, including papaya, myrrh, mallow leaves, marshmallow leaves, ginger, chamomile, parsley, holy thistle and milk thistle .

It is also useful as a hepatic detoxifier , for those suffering from nausea, as a soothing and supportive herbal tea for the digestive system.

How to make Iaso slimming tea

Two Iaso tea bags are enough to have tea for a week of treatment.

A liter of water is boiled, the two infusion sachets are added, the product is left to rest for eight hours. Without removing the tea bags, add three liters of cold water. If you drink a glass (about 200-250 ml) before lunch and dinner or during meals, while half a glass can be drunk at breakfast or as a snack (I recommend for breakfast).
Two sachets for a week of treatment cost 15 euros.

I find it a good product, it has no additives, it does not contain extracts of nerve substances that can overwork the liver.
I recommend that you try it for one week only, and if the product works for you, continue the treatment for a maximum of one month.
In fact, this kind of tea should not be used for long: the risk is to be able to reduce intestinal function and natural peristalsis. 

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