Vaginal dryness, causes and remedies
It is a condition of change in the hydration levels of the vaginal walls, which leads to drying of the tissues for various causes. There are many remedies, including natural ones, to combat it.

- Vaginal dryness, what it is
- Vaginal dryness, causes
- Vaginal dryness, remedies
The female universe is truly complex , made up of changes, transformations, which renew not only the body but also the creative energies.
There are stages of life demarcated by phases that mark a completely personal internal time , which varies from woman to woman and which defines her age, not the age, but the energy one.
In this continuous journey of all-female transformation, a woman encounters various obstacles and difficulties that can however be investigated and integrated into a resolution process: one of these problems is vaginal dryness.
Vaginal dryness, what is it?
It is a condition of change in the hydration levels of the vaginal walls , which leads to drying of the part. It can occur at any age for completely different causes, it is generally a disorder associated with hormonal changes and often occurs in conjunction with menopause, in the climacteric period.
Physiological non-lubrication is accompanied by itching, burning, pain , possible bleeding during sexual intercourse.
Vaginal dryness, causes
As mentioned , episodes of vaginal dryness can occur at any time in a woman’s adult life and are linked to various causes, which involve a hormonal modification.
It is generally attributable to a lack of estrogen , which locally serves to maintain the acidity of the pH, tissue elasticity and to stimulate secretions.
When there is a significant decrease in estrogen, the bladder and urethra also undergo some deficiencies related to the elimination of urine, for this reason further disorders such as cystitis, incontinence may occur.
Causes of vaginal dryness include:
- Climacteric : period close to menopause, in which the proportion of hormones decreases, ovarian activity progressively decreases, various symptoms occur such as vaginal dryness, hot flashes, mood swings, insomnia.Â
- Breastfeeding : in this particular period during which all the femininity of a woman conveys and concentrates in her being a mother, estrogen levels are very low and vaginal dryness is typical of this moment together with a form of rejection of the sexual sphere.
- Smoking : Nicotine consumption can affect hormone secretions and reduce the level of estrogen.Â
- Drug therapies : Some breast cancer products that act as anti-estrogens can cause vaginal dryness. Drugs for depression and allergic syndromes can also cause hormonal changes that affect intimate life.
- Sjogren’s Syndrome: this is an autoimmune disease that involves multiple parts of the body and their hydration. It causes dryness of the mucous membranes of the mouth, eyes, airways and vaginal walls.
- Stress : particularly difficult periods, which put pressure on the nervous system and the body’s responses can create many blocks, such as slowing of the cycle, dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea, rejection of the sexual sphere, vaginismus and consequently vaginal dryness.
Vaginal dryness, remedies
The gynecologist can recommend different remedies based on the nature of the cause of the decrease in estrogen. HRT is often used for premenopausal women if their health conditions permit.
Research in this sector is making great strides, introducing less and less invasive aids, such as ova or ointments that mitigate vaginal dryness conditions without affecting the hormonal balances, which are so complex and delicate, also linked to testosterone levels.
There are also natural remedies that can help improve the hormonal condition and act as estrogen-like, such as soy isoflavones, black cohosh and red clover.
- Soy: ioflavones in particular daidzein and ginestein or soy extracts are useful during the menopause period to soothe problems related to hot flashes, vaginal dryness. They behave like estrogen-like: they are phytoestrogens and compensate for the physiological hormonal decline.Â
- Red Clover : rich in flavonoids, in particular four different isoflavones, daidzein, gynestein, formononetin, biochanin which act as phytoestrogens, red clover is a supplement that supports the woman in various moments of life, not only during the climacteric; due to their ability to bind to estrogen receptors and act as antagonists, they are useful in case of cycle irregularities, mood swings and vaginal dryness.
- Black cohosh : black cohosh also boasts the presence of plant complexes of an estrogenic nature useful for soothing problems such as vaginal dryness, premenstrual syndrome, menstrual cramps, symptoms of menopause. Its healing characteristics have given it the title of “women’s herb”. Its roots, rich in glycosides, are used in decoctions useful for calming hot flashes, modulating mood swings and rebalancing the menstrual cycle.
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