Uncontrolled hunger: the nutritionist’s 4 tips

Uncontrolled hunger: the nutritionist’s 4 tips

Uncontrolled hunger, pangs of hunger , tendency to gain weight because you eat between meals but without being able to stop.
These problems are increasingly frequent, especially in women, and are indirectly linked to the habit of dieting one after the other, in an attempt to control weight, lose weight and keep hunger under control.

Today there are many techniques to manage episodes of uncontrolled hunger.
They range from tapping to visualization techniques, up to specialist psychotherapeutic support, aimed at managing the anxious aspect of the problem.

In this article we see 4 very simple tips to reduce uncontrolled hunger, according to Australian nutritionist Lyndi Cohen .

The doctor developed the Keep It Real program to help women manage nervous hunger by breaking the vicious cycle of diets.


  • Review your relationship with food and your body in one simple step.

    That is, get rid of the scales.
    If you are followed by a professional for your weight loss journey, he or she will be the one to weigh you on time to check your progress, but avoid having the scales at home. Weighing ourselves is often frustrating, and weight is a deceptive number, as our weight also includes body water and lean mass.
    This is great advice: many women have an anxious relationship with their scales, and try to cut back on food and even liquids based on how much they weigh.
    The balance affects their mood, their relationships, pushing them to identify with a number.
    Better take care of your health in another way: for example by eating better, and checking your progress from the feelings of well-being and how your clothes fit. ( CONTINUED ON PAGE TWO )


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