Two detox drinks to improve metabolism

Two detox drinks to improve metabolism

Two drinks to improve metabolism, a hot one that can also be enjoyed warm , based on spices and lemon, and a cold one to drink immediately after preparation, blending the ingredients or centrifuging them. The former can be drunk before breakfast or at breakfast instead of tea or coffee; the second can be drunk from morning to early afternoon, and is based on citrus fruits. Here are the recipes and their properties!

Hot drink: to be consumed at breakfast or before breakfast
250 ml of boiling water
1/4 teaspoon of turmeric
a pinch of black pepper
the juice of half an organic lemon or half bergamot
a tip of a teaspoon of honey a sprinkle
of Ceylon cinnamon

Boil the water, turn off, add the ingredients and keep it at rest and covered for about 5 minutes. Stir quickly and drink. Properties: this drink helps intestinal regularity, is purifying, helps the excretory organs (liver and kidneys) in the morning detoxification process, is anti-inflammatory and prebiotic, also indicated for those suffering from hypercholesterolemia and high blood sugar. If you have high cholesterol, try the bergamot variant above all.
It helps to improve metabolism precisely because it promotes the morning draining and purifying process and reduces acidity.

Cold drink: to be consumed in the morning or early afternoon in the doses of two full glasses
Half a pink grapefruit,
a handful of mint leaves,
a mandarin or half an orange
a medium cucumber
a glass of mineral water.
Blend the ingredients and drink the juice twice.
In the centrifuged version: simply centrifuge the ingredients, then diluting the juice with a glass full of mineral water, preferably thermal.
Property:this drink is highly alkalized, improves digestion, detoxifies. It helps to improve metabolism because it fights oxidative stress thanks to vitamin C, and has a fat burning action thanks to the lycopene contained in the pink grapefruit. Ideal after an hour from lunch and before an hour from lunch because it promotes digestion thanks to mint, and enhances the activity of gastric juices.
Ideal if you suffer from high blood pressure, because it helps regulate it, and nervous hunger, because the pink grapefruit acts as a natural anti-hunger.

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