Trouble Losing Weight? Eliminate these errors

Trouble Losing Weight? Eliminate these errors

Trouble Losing Weight? How come a diet that has had results on other people doesn’t affect you? Why do you cut calories and eat little or nothing but don’t lose weight, and you pay dearly for any breach of the rule? Answering this and other questions that lead you to have problems losing weight, thinks the beautiful Australian coach  Camilla Ackerberg, who reveals the reasons why many people take the wrong approach when they want to lose weight, which is why they are not getting the results they want.

Here’s what you’re doing wrong.
1) You are not eating enough or well: you eat little or you eat foods that are not very nutritious for your body. Camilla recommends a breakfast between 300 and 500 calories, she identifies the foods to which your body responds best, without creating digestive difficulties and bloating. An example of a nutritious but low-calorie diet that is not rigid is the following:
Breakfast: 1 Greek yogurt or 200 grams of cottage cheese with 5 tablespoons of oat flakes, or a two-egg omelet with fruit. 
Snack: a protein shake 
Lunch: natural tuna in salad with green salad, tomatoes and a little oil + 4 rice cakes
Snack: a handful of almonds (20) or walnuts (5) + a piece of frui

Dinner: 150 gr of grilled meat or fish. Baked pumpkin with herbs and spices plus a handful of mixed seeds. Spinach salad.
Snack: egg white omelette or a Greek yogurt
2) You are on a diet that is not suitable for you.  It works on your best friend, not on you. Our bodies are not all the same, and even two women of the same weight may have a different hormone profile or a different body composition (= lean / fat percentage). Or different habits. That’s why you need to customize your dietary profile by relying on a serious nutritionist.
3) You don’t know much about nutrition, so every advice seems valid and you end up following them all.Look for channels and information you trust, or are trusted, but don’t trust your health to any internet page or magazine.
4) Cut carbohydrates, but then you stuff yourself with sweets: to avoid this, eat brown rice, sweet potatoes, fruits and vegetables daily. This way you can indulge in one free meal a week, but on normal days you won’t be craving sweets.
5) You eat too much (which is the opposite of point 1): if you think that going to the gym allows you to eat more, you are wrong. You are overestimating the energy you spend on exercise. Start by eating just the right amount, without indulging in anything other than one free meal a week.

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